June 1, 2012: BRIBERY CHARGES FILED: AGAINST CPU COMMISSIONER SIMON (SDG&E) Simon Agrees to Approve SDG&E Wildfire Insurance Scam for a $25,000. "Donation" for his Girlfriend. (If Approved, SDG&E's Wildfire Insurance Scam Would Cost SDG&E Ratepayers at least $1/2 BILLION!). California Public Utilities Commissioner Timothy Simon caught accepting $25,000 Sempra / SDG&E "donation" for his girlfriend's project - in exchange for his agreement to approve SDG&E's wildfire insurance scheme...(to force its SDG&E customers to pay for wildfires caused by SDG&E negligence).
http:// scienceandpublicpolicy.org/ images/stories/papers/ reprint/ High_Cost_and_Low_Value_of_ Electricity_from_Wind.pdf
1/13/2012: SDGE'S "ENERGY INNOVATION CENTER" BLASTED AS DUPLICATIVE, UNNECESSARY -- COULD HAVE BEEN ACHIEVED THROUGH SAFER, LESS COSTLY MEANS = WASTE OF SDGE RATEPAYER'S MONEY. SDG&E's "Energy Innovation Center was cited as a poor fiscal decision, wasteful and completely unnecessary. Members of the business community, staff from the California Center for Sustainable Energy and others questioned the duplicative nature of SDGE's "Energy Innovation Center" at a meeting of the Energy Working Groups (EWG) of the San Diego Association of Governments.
An October 3rd (2011) proposal by SDG&E to change the way it charges customers for power is very likely illegal. In this second phase of its General Rate Case, SDG&E has proposed a new rate design, which includes a Network Use Charge, a Basic Service Fee and a Prepay Service option. UCAN has filed a motion asking the regulators to reject SDG&E's application and have them resubmit one that doesn't violate state laws.
September 27, 2011:
September 23, 2011:
September 15, 2011: Class Action lawsuit filed against Sempra's privately owned utility monopoly- SDG&E for causing the catastrophic power outage (blackout) affecting 7 MILLION people from San Clemente, California to Ensenada Mexico.
August 7, 2011: The Mexican Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives officially declared Darcel Hulse, President, Board of Directors, Sempra Energy (Costa Azul LNG) a "persona non grata": a severe moral condemnation and social censure- by society and institutions and organizations for lack of respect of established norms, attitudes contrary to peace and moral damage that he (Sempra Energy) has done or intended to cause to the citizens and environment of Mexico.
June 20, 2011: Sempra and San Diego Gas and Electric's Sunrise Powerlink case heads to court June 21st.
*Channel 10 news: "SDG&E safety concerns raised w/Powerlink" - CPUC merely "scolds" SDG&E for withholding incident reports: http://www.10news.com/news/28253731/detail.html
May 27, 2011:
May 25, 2011: SEMPRA/ BP'S SIERRA JUAREZ WIND PROJECT in BAJA-OFFICIALLY SCRAPPED. Sempra falsely blames the legal Ensenada municipal closure of Costa Azul due to SEMPRA's gross violations including unlawful permitting, extreme danger to the population and environmental laws/regulations. The so-called "cancellation" of Sempra/BP's Sierra Juarez Wind Farm was actually REJECTED by USA- The Sierra Juarez project FAILS to comply with Federal requirements "consistent with public interest"...including Environmental Impacts and Electrical Reliability.
Sempra, and its subsidiary SDGE and the dubious efforts of the "Schwarzenegger appointed CPUC" (California Public Utilities Commission) have already enslaved San Diego with Sempra's unneeded COSTA AZUL very expensive, polluting, unneeded, foreign natural gas -as well as their "global agenda".
To allow construction of Sempra's Sunrise Powerlink will threaten USA National Security...Sempra Energy, a global, private business, who has monopolistic control of a USA public utility (SDGE); Sempra Energy, a company who has committed serious criminal acts against the people and the government without regret or compassion, would gain control of an even greater potential for "manipulation" and crisis --the Greater Los Angeles electricity grid...via their Sunrise Powerlink...costing $BILLIONS - paid for by innocent California ratepayers- who have been mislead and deceived into believing the Sunrise Powerlink is for "renewable energy" - when in fact it is to carry Sempra's loser, polluting, foreign Costa Azul LNG that NO ONE wants or needs! (cited "links" forthcoming).
May 15, 2011 - President Obama calls for an end to USA oil and gas subsidies. President Obama calls for an end to USA foreign fossil fuel dependence...an end to USA's unnecessary, costly dependence on Sempra's foreign Costa Azul LNG= Sunrise Powerlink, Carlsbad, CA LNG, San Diego's Southwest Powerline, All of San Diego's natural gas pipelines connected to Sempra's Costa Azul LNG.
Despite Sempra's defensive, derogatory remarks- Rudy Michelon is a courageous, honest and noble man - with a global following of supporters and friends.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPx4fiGpjy4&feature=related
May 4, 2011 - Good News: Judge Michael Anello has been removed from presiding over the Sunrise Powerlink case! The new presiding judge has granted a public hearing for an injunction to stop the Sunrise Powerlink...a consideration and right Judge Anello had refused. SDG;E and the BLM are represented by one of the largest, most expensive anti-environmental law firms in the US; Latham-Watkins...Ex-Sempra lobbyist and now Deputy Director of the Interior- David Hayes also worked for this notorious law firm. It's ironic that our own government agencies (BLM and the US Forest Service-dependent on US taxpayers) would side with a merchant or middleman that peddles foreign energy like LNG (Sempra-SDGE), rather than the majority of citizens, environmentalists, experts and scientists.
March 22, 2011 - Sempra misleads and deceives the public : by advertising in the San Diego Union Tribune that Costa Azul LNG "passes inspection" by a Mexican government agency: PROFEPA. Sempra did not mention that PROFEPA is not regarded as a reputable source of scientific and analytic studies, and that PROFEPA and Sempra share the same corrupt ties of influence. Sempra also did not mention multiple reports and findings by prestigious organizations such as Greenpeace USA, Greenpeace Mexico, Center for Biological Diversity and Pacific Environment that report Sempra's Costa Azul is in fact an extreme public health and safety danger as well as causing gross environmental and ecological damage and pollution to Ensenada and its marine life.
***To overlook Baja, Mexico laws and regulations for the benefit of foreign companies like Sempra - will encourage other greedy, corrupt companies to set up shop in Baja."
JOBS? Costa Azul = Only 50 jobs generated.
INVESTMENT? Sempra pays NO taxes or franchise fees for Costa Azul = there is NO investment, there is NO money!
From El Vigia 3/16/11
Sempra's internal document contains strategic actions to intervene in the 2007 BAJA elections- THESE ACTIONS ARE IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE MEXICAN CONSTITUTION AND ITS LAWS! Sempra's 2007 Strategies to achieve approval for installation of the illegal, dangerous Costa Azul Terminal in Ensenada: Target, Corrupt, Silence and Remove every person, political-government, social, cultural, media, environmental--IMPEDIMENT. This marketing plan is reprehensible - Sempra's Costa Azul Terminal was so bad, and such an environmental, public health and safety disaster - that Sempra had to infiltrate and corrupt government officials, deceive the public and media with promises of jobs and money, and refuse (as well as bribe) to comply with any environmental, cultural, archaeological, safety regulations and laws in Mexico.
This "trademark" Sempra strategy of corrupting government officials was also used in the United States, especially California, to force approval of expensive, polluting, unneeded, destructive projects like the Sunrise Powerlink in San Diego county- a 500KV 120 mile transmission line that Sempra hopes to connect to the loser Costa Azul LNG electricity source in Mexicali...costing $BILLIONS -all at ratepayers and US taxpayers expense.
Sempra's 2007 Official Marketing Strategy: http://es.scribd.com/doc/51092594/Estrategia-Sempra-2007
Sempra Energy and SDGE would NEVER win a trial if they had to state the truth AND face the public. They have to isolate, wine and dine their victims to carry out and approve their despicable crimes and schemes ( Sunrise Powerlink - Costa Azul LNG) against the public and the environment. The economic and environmental damages are permanent and devastating for generations to come.
Following the verdict, national news reports tarred Anello for his mishandling of the trial. The embarrassed judge retaliated by secretly complaining to the State Bar that he granted defendants a new trial based on attorney misconduct by Kay. Bar prosecutors exacted a three-year suspension based on the falsified evidence. Kay says he was denied even the appearance of due process, in which the suspension was entered by default without a trial.
"Judge Anello lied," says Kay. "The State Bar has admitted in its response that the defendants were not denied fair trials and that I did not interfere with the administration of justice. This false reporting is a crime."
State Bar rules require, among other things, that a charge of attorney misconduct be accompanied by evidence of disciplinary action ordered on the record during a trial. Anello never issued such an order against Kay. On the contrary, trial records and transcripts show the judge explicitly denied that Kay had committed any misconduct." from Case Filers, 6/2010
To clarify..The mayor of Ensenada recently closed down Sempra's Costa Azul...due to numerous unlawful actions by Sempra, the most important reason was to PROTECT the people of Ensenada, since Sempra did not care about the extremely dangerous, volatile NATURAL GAS time bombs they built without permits, environmental reports or buffer zones. Sempra, bribes in hand, somehow managed to get the Mexican Federal government to "enforce" re-opening the Costa Azul plant; which they did -- by military force. This vote by Mexican Congress rightfully sides with the Ensenada Mayor and his decision to protect the people and the environment over some "foreign" company like Sempra. Never again will Sempra be able to hide behind Mexican government...the vote means that Sempra cannot create a house-divided in Mexico EVER AGAIN! One can only hope and pray that our USA courts and government are this honorable and thoughtful to the people and the environment they are supposed to serve!
Feb 10, 2011 -Sempra Energy (SRE) Chairman and CEO Donald E Felsinger sells 150,000 Sempra Shares @ $53.80 per share. ($ 8+ MILLION)
Feb 16, 2011 Almost a week has passed and Sempra Energy has done absolutely nothing to address and resolve the many laws they have broken regarding Energia Costa Azul terminal and its operation.
Sempra's Costa Azul is only kept open by the force of the Mexican Military. "Sempra and the Government have no arguments with any legal support to continue operation of Costa Azul; The only actions Sempra has taken are "below the belt"(Sempra's trademark), attempts to discredit, point fingers and bad mouth a clearly legal action undertaken by the Ensenada administration."
From La Jornada, Roberto Garduno:
Government action on behalf of the Sempra, “Absolutely Illegal”
"The Closing of Sempra LNG is not over yet," says Ensenada Mayor.
"To date, this council does not have ANY information from Sempra Energy to allow us to establish the scope of any event, that is, the company will never give out an impact study of risk, an issue which is required by law, or manual or drawing showing the trajectories of the pipes through which the liquefied natural gas. . We are blind, and that is a grave irresponsibility of municipal, state and federal. "
****IF THE PEOPLE OF CALIFORNIA KNEW: that the CPUC and Sempra Energy conspired to monopolize our entire energy supply; that "we the people" were delivered into the hands of the corrupt Sempra Energy- whose only foundation is based in greed; that California ratepayers pay 3 times for the same foreign LNG-- with Sempra's triple tiered vertical pricing (passed on at least 3 times with obscene markups -- and all companies are part of Sempra Energy); that California's regular supply of domestic natural gas is much cheaper than Costa Azul; that Sempra's Costa Azul LNG carries a 25% greater Greenhouse Gas burden than California's domestic natural gas; that the entire infrastructure and operation and even extraction of natural gas from foreign countries from Costa Azul was actually paid for by California ratepayers and US taxpayers - not Sempra; that the LNG we use was polluting and endangering the lives of the people of Baja; that the entire infrastructure of Costa Azul was built illegally with no land permits, no environmental impact reports, no emergency procedures, no structural plans, no impacts to the dumping of toxins into the ocean, no buffer zone; that Sempra orchestrated an entire "Media Campaign" based on absolute lies to win and buy the public, that the entire foundation of Costa Azul was built with bribery and infiltrating government with "their own people" ...IF... the people of the USA knew these truths - they would DEMAND the closure of Costa Azul for the individual rights, health and safety of the people of Baja and the USA..and reinstatement to our regular supply of domestic LNG...IMMEDIATELY!
Feb 12, 2011 ENSENADA MAYOR ORDERS CLOSURE OF SEMPRA'S ENERGIA COSTA AZUL LNG : Among the irregularities found is the lack of legal permission for land use, lack of an emergency center, civil engineering drawings and mechanical work, and the absence of risk insurance. They also noted the lack of a thermal buffer zone, the lack of a map of roads, pipelines and other infrastructure in the area of the plant.
Feb 14, 2011 It is true, the Mexican Federal Government HAD to step in and resume operation of Costa Azul or Sempra's and SDG&E's (San Diego Gas and Electric) customers would have been "cut-off"... Sempra and the CPUC (California Public Utilities) "reversed the flow" (from domestic to Sempra's Costa Azul LNG) to all of San Diego's natural gas lines and electricity generating plants, so that Sempra Energy - SDGE - Sempra Trading - Southern Cal Gas (all part of Sempra) would have a monopoly and FORCE USA citizens to use Sempra's more expensive, more polluting, unreliable and illegally built Costa Azul LNG. Also, our (San Diego, CA) Southwest 500KV Powerline is connected to Termoelectrica de Mexicali a gas fired electricity generating plant which receives its natural gas via pipeline from Costa Azul. The Sunrise Powerlink 500KV would have connected to Sempra's Mexicali plant to deliver the illegal LNG to unknowing Los Angeles. The Costa Azul plant couldn't be closed down or WE (San Diego, CA) would have been cut off from our only power source -- Sempra's foreign, polluting, expensive, unneeded and unwanted Costa Azul LNG.
The CPUC demonstrated their complete ignorance and compromised US and Baja national security, international relations, public health and safety, laws and regulations (among many other offences) by allowing Sempra (with a known MAJOR history of corruption- bribes, fraud, lying, price gouging, market manipulation) to basically pull off a mafia style heist at an extreme cost to all of us (both sides of the border) and OUR global environment. Sempra's high times are over...now we need to clean up Sempra Energy and the CPUC's (=California Public Utilities) mess from Ensenada to California to Russia to New Guinea and many other places.
Regardless of Federal - National - Municipal - Baja - California - Mexico or USA; Sempra's Costa Azul LNG remains open - BUT - the criminal offences continue, including the health and safety of the people of Ensenada, the lack of permits and infrastructure, roads and pipeline plans, the thermal buffer zone, the infringement of Baja's urban, cultural and environmental laws. The people of Baja and the USA are still waiting for these illegal and dangerous offenses committed by Sempra Energy to be accounted for and resolved.
Feb 10, 2011 Additionally, Sempra Energy (SRE) Chairman and CEO Donald E Felsinger sells 150,000 Sempra Shares @ $53.80 per share.
The SEC, FBI and US Attorney's office are concerned enough to investigate the unlawful brute eviction of Mr. Sanchez Ritchie from his own land in Ensenada by Sempra Energy...Why would a San Diego Judge "dismiss" his case so quickly? Of course, reading Sempra's "marketing spin"...Sempra /SDG&E spouted-off that the case was dismissed...they just left out 2 important words.. WITHOUT PREJUDICE" which means that the Mr. Sanchez Ritchie is free to file again (within a time frame)..without prejudice.
But there is reason to be concerned and question whether the people of San Diego will get a fair trial -regarding Sempra's Sunrise Powerlink Project. Especially since San Diego is Sempra's "home base." Sempra's lawfirm (Lathrum-Watkins) is the slickest firm in town, they are known for representing anti-environmental, global companies...like Sempra Energy. Currently there are numerous filings (and they are not frivilous) against Sempra's (using SDGE, a Sempra owned utility as a 'fence") Sunrise Powerlink - yet the presiding judge...... will not stop construction!! This (in)action can't help but imply loud and clear to the public - that the judge may very well be "in Sempra/SDGE's" pocket. Construction of the Sunrise Powerlink before the courts have even heard the cases - violates the people's right to a fair trial. Especially if you consider Sempra and SDGE's LONG history of fraud, lying, bribery, omission, price gouging, market manipulation using domestic natural gas, artificial congestion (Enron) on San Diego's existing Powerlines, etc...Sempra (SDGE) is definitely NOT a (star) that anyone should "hook their wagon" to...I'm sure the CPUC is cursing the day they hooked up with Sempra Energy.
Feb 8, 2011...TICK TOCK SEMPRA--The US Attorney's office has begun to build a case (among MANY other US Federal agencies (SEC, FBI etc)..Charges against Sempra include BRIBERY and using San Diego ratepayer's money to build Sempra's "palace"- Casa Azul (The news called it "a posh, personal playground just for the use of the Sempra CEO and his cronies); illegally evicting Sanchez Ritchie from his own property for the Energia Costa Azul LNG- with force. Other Sempra criminal charges include: falsely stating assets to increase earnings, bribing Mexican officials for permits to build Energia Costa Azul LNG, ignoring Baja's environmental and public safety laws ..no buffer zone around the dangerous LNG terminal and wrongeful termination of honest employee, Mr. Rudy Michelon.
Feb 10, 2011.."Sempra Energy and Energia Costa Azul operates like the Worst Era of Al Capone" U.S. Congressman (Bob Filner) noted that they have initiated a comprehensive campaign to prevent the citizens of California from consuming electricity produced in Mexico by Sempra Energy,-- which hurts the environment on both sides of the border ....from La Jornada, Roberto Garduño and Enrique Méndez http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jornada.unam.mx%2F2011%2F02%2F10%2Findex.php%3Fsection%3Dpolitica%26article%3D016n1pol
Feb 6, 2011...Feds (SEC) investigating Sempra Energy on bribery charges. Based on the credible accusations of bribery by Sempra's former employee. Michelon...The US Federal Securities and Exchange Commission is now conducting an in-depth investigation of Sempra's charge of bribery to Mexican officials to obtain an illegal deed and permits for Energia Costa Azul property in Ensenada. Sempra Energy would be charged with breaking the "Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1998" ...an International Anti-Bribery Act.
Feb 10, 2011...Partial catalogue list of obscene "Casa Azul's" furnishings..paid for by San Diego utility rate payers. http://www.10news.com/news/25776137/detail.html
Feb 1, 2011...From Gobierno Ayuntamiento de Ensenada XX: "The facilities of the company Sempra Energy's Energia Costa Azul LNG "does not comply with the provisions in laws, regulations, policies, plans, programs and other applicable laws governing the municipality of Ensenada....signed, Architect Montfort Diana Sanchez. Urban Administration Secretary of the 20th City Council of Ensenada.
Yet another lawsuit: against 5 Federal US Agencies' unlawful approval of Sunrise Powerlink has been filed 1/15/2011:
There are countless valid reasons NOT to build the Powerlink - yet Sempra/SDGE does not have ONE VALID REASON WHY WE SHOULD BUILD THE SUNRISE POWERLINK (Pollutionlink)! The complete filing is linked in this article:
Another Forest Service lawsuit similar to the above...Forest Service conducting illegal closed door meetings with a developer without public participation - (the developer in our case: Sempra-SDGE) in the following linked case: a copper mining company.
Feb 14, 2011 Second lawsuit filed in one month against SDGE- Sunrise Powerlink and California's State Water Resources Control Board. As the people of San Diego, in horror and disgust, watch Sempra/SDGE pre-maturely build and bulldoze for the Sunrise Powerlink- during heavy rains absolutely destroying the environment with no regard for erosion, water runoff, water contamination laws (among many others) -- the San Diego courts, Sempra Energy and SDGE ignore 1000's of people's pleas to stop construction until these important cases are heard. Included in the suit- The Powerlink will harm downstream water quality and does not comply with the federal Clean Water Act. The lawsuit also alleges that significant harm to wetlands and washes was never adequately addressed in Powerlink environmental documents. The lawsuit was filed in California State Superior Court in Sacramento.
Sempra "re-exports" LNG out of their Energia Costa Azul plant-- there is not enough end users (takers) in the well-stocked Western United States ..1/7/2011 from Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN0719619820110107?feedType=RSS&feedName=companyNews&rpc=43
Sempra reduces output from their Termoelectrica Mexicali plant...12/12/10 from Bloomberg:
Two of the most incompetent, anti-environmental global companies- Sempra Energy and BP -- have teamed to unleash a massive, Hell on Earth wind project in Baja : Sierra Juarez. This linked article, "Unity of Knowledge - Wellington Times" is just one of thousands of scientific reports concluding that Wind Energy causes serious devastating environmental, health & safety and economic impacts that far outweigh the energy it may or may not produce. Sempra Energy and British Petroleum (BP) have a history of failure, cutting corners, fraud and callousness towards our global environment, health , safety, wildlife and economic impacts to innocent citizens. Both Sempra Energy and BP have committed major catastrophic crimes against the people and the environment of the United States- Sempra Energy and BP are two global heartless companies that cannot be trusted or relied upon for public safety, respect for the environment nor good work at a good price!
Green Energy Act : The precautionary principle states that governments or organizations must ensure that its policies do not harm individuals or communities prior to enactment.
CPUC Commissioner SIMON approves multiple rate increases to abused and over-burdened San Diego ratepayers for $ TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Despite the fact that Simon was caught red-handed being wined & dined (Booze, Jazz Bars, 1st Class Night Life -bribery) by SDGE- using San Diego ratepayer's money. CPUC SIMON even had a petition for his removal filed in court for having closed door secret meetings and deals with SDGE AFTER deposition (for this rate case).
SDGE was found GUILTY by expert's sworn testimony, of causing 3 catastrophic San Diego Wildfires in 2007- due to shoddy maintenance and installation of power lines. SDGE was FINED $14 MILLION by the state of California.
In direct opposition to proven, documented court cases and expert testimony -- CPUC Simon claims that the wildfires were San Diego's fault! stating " San Diego was not prepared for the wildfires".. and approves tens of millions in rate hikes to innocent San Diego ratepayers.
***In Sempra / SDG;E's upside-down world of falsities and lies -- They pay tens of millions of dollars in FINES...but they will not admit guilt (payment of fines is proof enough of SDGE / Sempra's GUILT). They call FINES -"settlements". When Sempra / SDGE are found guilty of lying, suppressing information, fraud; they call it "management failure".
Current depositions regarding faults, unlawful actions, and unanswered questions -- Sempra Energy and the Costa Azul LNG facility-- addressed to Senado de Republica LXI, Baja Mexico, on 12/15/2010
Oregon's Landuse Board of Appeals (LUBA) REJECTED -again the Bradwood LNG facility that would have been a major and critical shipping and receiving facility for Sempra's Energia Costa Azul, foreign, polluting, expensive and unneeded LNG-- for the North Western United States. The remaining LNG projects in Oregon face an uphill battle...there is no need for Sempra's Energia Costa Azul foreign LNG.
"Of the 20 plus issues put before LUBA by Bradwood Landing- the two which are the bottom line, the substructure, the losing equations are the two which LUBA has once again addressed. Protection in a vital arena of the Columbia River Estuary of its fish, and trying to fit an “Opera fat lady” into a twiggy dress. With the LNG market in flux now because of the many shale plays in this country and the potential for many more abroad it is difficult for this writer to comprehend how the money movers and speculators could consider investing billions of dollors in an LNG project when grabbing leases or outright buying shale real estate would be the better long term profit maker. Especially in the U.S. I think we now have an Edsel here." ...from Vonda Kay Brocker, long time opponent of the Bradwood Project, Sempra Energy, and Energia Costa Azul LNG

PETITION SEEKS TO DISQUALIFY CPUC MEMBER At issue is the practice of CPUC commissioners meeting privately with utility companies and others with business being decided by the commission. CPUC Simon, met in closed door meetings with SDG;E to discuss SDGE's planned rate hike to San Diego customers The major rate hike proposed by SDGis to charge it's customers for SDGE's faulty and shoddy powerline construction and maintenance that was proven to be the cause of multiple San Diego wildfires and fatalities. The CPUC denied this ridiculous rate hike...but Commissioner Simon (picture-left), after closed door meetings with SDGE and a big HIGH TIME at an expensive Jazz Bar with SDGE -has approved the rate hike. CPUC's Simon's only defense is that bribery, wining, dining, and secret closed door meetings with SDGE/Sempra, after depositions...is "common practice".. "Common practice" does not mean that the incident was in fact legal or ethical. Bribery, wining, dining and secret CPUC-SDGE meetings after deposition is NOT and will never be legal or ethical in the USA.
Sempra CEO's greed and self importance is spiraling out-of-control...Felsinger ("Nero"), uses $17 MILLION of California's utility ratepayer's money to build a lavish "palace"- degrading the beautiful Baja coastline for himself and his cronies. Sempra fires honest executive who questioned wasteful spending. Lawsuit calls Casa Azul “an oceanfront vacation home” being built for Felsinger “at the utility ratepayers’ expense,” ...Sempra CEO living HIGH ON THE HOG...
An Article from Baja sources (translated to English):
Ex-controller says Sempra Paid Bribes in Mexico:
This is a (translated) statement from "20 POINTS WHY SEMPRA ENERGY MUST LEAVE BAJA CALIFORNIA" Interparliamentary Meeting : Legislators and Representatives attending the XLIX Mexico-United States
"The judicial recourse indicated Sempra Energy as responsible for alleged bribes to the former Baja California governor to undertake the expropriation of legitimate lands, of which more than 300 hectares had been transacted for the main project for Marathon Oil, Sempra’s rival company which excelled in processing the permits, Marathon Oil having had to give up because of the clear favoritism and protection of the State Government for SEMPRA, a company which was given every facility and with which it even partnered through his daughter Erika Elorduy Blackaller."
Current depositions regarding faults, unlawful actions with regard to Sempra Energy and the Costa Azul LNG facility-- addressed to Senado de Republica LXI, Baja, Mexico on 12/15/2010
An old article from Corp Watch - Sempra drooling to get Bolivia's Natural Gas, specifically for California. Sempra caught "price gouging" the price of natural gas...from 2003
SDGE falsely labels its many fines and penalties for (lying, fraud, mistakes..among many other crimes), as "Settlements on Management Failure". Only a fool would believe this gibberish..perhaps they are only trying to "fool" themselves.
SDG;E plans major rate hikes for residential and small business during peak hours - SDGE shareholders are the only one who will benefit.
SDGE asks for $1.8 BILLION in rate hikes - because "San Diego does not use enough power"
SDGE plans major rate hike for peak hours - because "San Diego uses too much power"
California Governor Jerry Brown, as CA State Attorney General, fined Sempra Energy $400 MILLION, found GUILTY for causing the California energy crisis...by creating false "black-outs" to force California ratepayers to buy overinflated energy ...that did not exist. A criminal act against the people and the government...this was just one of many fines they must continue to pay for this specific criminal act.
SDGE's guilty verdict - must pay $1+ MILLION in fines for lying about the route of the Sunrise Powerlink...affected citizens receive nothing!
CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission) has fined Sempra and SDGE over $130 MILLION for crimes, (So the CPUC says anyway) -lies and fraud (guilty verdicts) ...just in the past few years...affected ratepayers receive nothing.
SDGE lies to the public claiming there are NO fire dangers from Sunrise Powerlink - The Fire and Fuel section in the official EIR- reports there are many extreme high fire risks!
SDGE gets caught lying to the CPUC (again) about the dangers and opponents of their "shut off plan"
SDGE lobbyists dictate scripted letters to San Diego's elected politicians to approve SDGE's shut off plan...all of those politicians also received generous compensation from SDG;E's (ratepayers)
CPUC officially rejects SDGE's shut-off plan
Experts agree that faulty power line installations by SDGE caused multiple wild fires in San Diego County.
Nine SDGE executives have to take back "campaign donations" made to "on the take" San Diego Supervisor Ron Roberts...one of the ONLY politicians in San Diego who was in favor of the Sunrise Powerlink..the Sunrise Powerlink's route is nowhere near/ not has anything to do with Robert's district.
SDGE official heads El Cajon Chamber of Commerce - El Cajon Chamber of Commerce receives LARGE donations from SDGE - El Cajon Chamber of Commerce supports Sunrise Powerlink - The Powerlink route does not affect or go near any part of El Cajon.
Former "top" California state official /utility exec illegally started lobbying for the Sunrise Powerlink before "cooling off" period...revolving door policy in action despite Federal Laws.
Sempra/SDGE lobbyist caught having fetish sex with Vice Chair of the Utility Committee, Mike Duval..he lost his career...the Sempra lobbyist still "walks the streets" (halls) in Sacramento.
SDG&E must pay $80,000 to CFTC for illegal trading in natural gas futures (buying and selling in one call)...that's ILLEGAL TRADING IN NATURAL GAS FUTURES...even the "dimly lit" leaders at SDGE know that Sempra's foreign natural gas from Costa Azul is a polluting, expensive, giant mistake that no one wants or needs.
Sempra CEO pays himself $20 MILLION salary - will not let shareholders have a say...
As of November 9, 2010...Sempra's earnings are down by 59% due to unit sales. Stock already down by 4%.
June 1, 2012: BRIBERY CHARGES FILED: AGAINST CPU COMMISSIONER SIMON (SDG&E) Simon Agrees to Approve SDG&E Wildfire Insurance Scam for a $25,000. "Donation" for his Girlfriend. (If Approved, SDG&E's Wildfire Insurance Scam Would Cost SDG&E Ratepayers at least $1/2 BILLION!). California Public Utilities Commissioner Timothy Simon caught accepting $25,000 Sempra / SDG&E "donation" for his girlfriend's project - in exchange for his agreement to approve SDG&E's wildfire insurance scheme...(to force its SDG&E customers to pay for wildfires caused by SDG&E negligence).
"Employees of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) have submitted a complaint to the Office of the Governor and the Fair Political Practices Commission, complaining of the "illegal and unethical" behavior of CPUC Commissioner Timothy Alan Simon. The complaint attaches five news articles -- my Reader columns of April 4 and April 24, Miriam Raftery's East County Magazine article of April 8, and two news articles from the San Francisco Chronicle. The complaint states that Simon's longtime (10 years) fiance, Kimberly Brandon, is chair of the Museum of African Diaspora. At a San Francisco dinner, while Simon was away from the table, Brandon hit up a senior executive of San Diego Gas & Electric (SDGE) for a $25,000 donation to the museum -- and in return, she said Simon would vote in favor of SDGE's attempt to get San Diego customers to pay the uninsured costs of the 2007 fires, for which the utility was found negligent. San Diego attorney Mike Aguirre has mentioned this incident in his fight against the utility's blatant attempt to have ratepayers, instead of shareholders of parent Sempra Energy, pay for the utility's negligence -- both for 2007 and for future fires. Simon is in fact the commissioner in charge of that case." Don Bauder, San Diego Reader
Utility Commission Employees Want Investigation of Simon: http://www.sandiegoreader.com/weblogs/news-ticker/2012/may/11/utilities-commission-employees-want-investigation-/
SDG&E, Fat Profits and Fat Pay, San Diego Reader: http://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2012/apr/04/citylights1-san-diego-gas-electric-profits/
SDG&E Wants You to Pay for its Negligence, San Diego Reader: http://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2012/feb/15/citylights1-san-diego-gas-electric-negligence/
Employees Seek Investigation of Commissioner Timothy Simon, Laura Brugio
April 14, 2012: Beware SDG&E and Sempra Shareholders..you're cashing in on profits from Sempra's "market manipulation"...and you know how this story always ends...(hello ENRON). Pretty pathetic & illegal: Sempra Energy and its utility monopoly, SDG&E are manipulating the US domestic natural gas (fossil fuel) market:...Just to maintain a false sense of need for Sempra's loser imported Costa Azul LNG (reference Sunrise Powerlink 500KV, Santee Fossil Fuel Plant, Southwest 500KV)...forced upon SDG&E users, via the grid & pipelines. Sempra Energy and SDG&E, in collusion with the CPUC: Sempra Energy is buying out ALL North American (domestic) natural gas, and is DIVERTING it away from Southern California (San Diego & Los Angeles) where it would compete with its unregulated, polluting foreign, expensive Costa Azul LNG import terminal in Baja. By sending Rocky Mountain natural gas eastward, Sempra is guarateeing a captive (monopoly) market in San Diego & Los Angeles for its imported, expensive LNG (liquified natural gas- extracted from Indonesia - stored in Baja). Sempra Energy's justifications, for bringing imported LNG to California- of an imminent, chronic shortage of natural gas in Southern California - is a complete lie!...People should go to jail for this egregious lie: many people environments-for generations, all over the globe, have been harmed by Sempra Energy - CPUC - SDG&E lies...just for their own selfish gain.
January 19, 2012
Sempra's SDGE Attacks (again) its Ratepayers for $1/2 BILLION for SDGE caused WILDFIRES: Hiding from San Diego ratepayers in San Francisco, SDGE - Sempra begs the CPUC for $463.9 MILLION FROM RATEPAYERS FOR THE 2007 WILDFIRES-CAUSED BY SDGE . "SDGE wants to charge ratepayers—including fire victims—for fires that the CPUC concluded were caused by arcing from SDGE’s own poorly maintained lines. The Witch Creek, Guejito and Rice Canyon wildfires collectively destroyed 1,350 homes in San Diego County and killed two people. SDGE and its insurance company paid out hundreds of millions of dollars to settle claims over the fires, without admitting guilt." East County Magazine **SDGE claims that the threat of wildfires “threatens the financial health of the utilities, both now and in the future,”...yet its parent company, Sempra Energy is boasting record profits. SDGE Sempra Energy's- Sunrise Powerlink 500KV was approved and constructed in the highest wildfire risk area in California (San Diego County). Sunrise Powerlink wildfires = is not if - but when...And now SDGE wants its customers to pay for the wildfires, destruction & death.
http:// www.eastcountymagazine.org/ node/8449
January, 2012: SDGE - SEMPRA ENERGY WIND ENERGY SCAMS. Reference Sierra Juarez Wind Farm, Baja; Ocotillo Express, San Diego desert; Tule Wind Farm, McCain Valley, San Diego; Sunrise Powerlink 500KV.
Wall Street Journal..."Wind Power Won't Cool Down the Planet" by Robert Bryce" "Wind power leads to HIGHER carbon emissions. The wind industry has achieved growth largely due to the claim that wind energy will provide major reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. There's just one problem: It's not true. A slew of recent studies show that wind-generated electricity likely won't result in any reduction in carbon emissions—or that they'll be so small as to be almost meaningless."
FORBE'S... "New Study Takes the Wind out of Wind Energy" The exhaustive Bentek study used actual "measurements" for their conclusions.
Although the 'Wind Industry" has tried to fight back with 'new" studies of their own - the Wind Industry's arguments were just reused old assertions and assumptions that have no substance, use no measurements..just hype and theory. http://www.forbes.com/ 2011/07/19/ wind-energy-carbon.html
Although the 'Wind Industry" has tried to fight back with 'new" studies of their own - the Wind Industry's arguments were just reused old assertions and assumptions that have no substance, use no measurements..just hype and theory. http://www.forbes.com/
"LARGE UTILITY SCALE SOLAR & WIND PROJECTS ARE JUST NATURAL GAS PLANTS."says ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR. Robert F. Kennedy happily reassures the Oil & Natural Gas (Fossil Fuels) companies - that large utility scale solar and wind projects are nothing more than "Natural Gas Plants". Kennedy, Jr is a director on the board of a "large clean energy venture capital fund"(sarcastic quotes")--one of Kennedy's companies funded by that group, is building large solar thermal installations that will represent a "substantial market for natural gas" whenever the sun is not shining.
Reference: Ocotillo Express Wind Farm -San Diego desert (Wind Energy= for every 30 gigawatts of unreliable wind energy - 25 gigawatts of natural gas is needed. When is power needed most? = Summer, when there is no wind! Sempra's "foreign fossil fuel will be used 100% during summer - costing SDGE ratepayers 10 times more for "not green, not renewable, fossil fuel energy during peak times"....what a dirty, costly scam to innocent, deceived taxpayers, ratepayers, our stolen public land & deserts, and our environment.)
In Kennedy's own words, "For all of these big utility scale power plants, whether it’s wind or solar, everybody is looking at gas as the supplementary fuel. The plants that we’re building, the wind plants and the solar plants are gas plants."
Robert F. Kennedy quote:
Reference: Ocotillo Express Wind Farm -San Diego desert (Wind Energy= for every 30 gigawatts of unreliable wind energy - 25 gigawatts of natural gas is needed. When is power needed most? = Summer, when there is no wind! Sempra's "foreign fossil fuel will be used 100% during summer - costing SDGE ratepayers 10 times more for "not green, not renewable, fossil fuel energy during peak times"....what a dirty, costly scam to innocent, deceived taxpayers, ratepayers, our stolen public land & deserts, and our environment.)
In Kennedy's own words, "For all of these big utility scale power plants, whether it’s wind or solar, everybody is looking at gas as the supplementary fuel. The plants that we’re building, the wind plants and the solar plants are gas plants."
Robert F. Kennedy quote:
Cornell University study: fracking natural gas is worse for the environment/ climate than coal:
1/14/2012: SDGE /SEMPRA ENERGY Contracts for Useless, Costly Wind Project: Ocotillo Express. Forbes declares Wind Turbine Energy a failure -in the latest report, Forbes agrees with scientific data around the world: 1. Wind energy does not reduce carbon emissions. 2. Wind energy is dependent on fossil fuels - for every 30 gigawatts of wind energy produced - 25 gigawatts of fossil fuel is needed (Sempra's SDG&E's very expensive foreign polluting Costa Azul natural gas). 3. Wind energy is very inefficient, unreliable and needs "peaker plants' (SDG&E ratepayers must pay) running at full capacity (more fossil fuel) for the surges of unreliable wind. 4. wind turbines require polluting, toxic rare earth mining for "magnets"; wind turbines require massive amounts of polluting cement for each unit. 5. Wind energy will cost SDG&E ratepayers 10 times more than regular rates - even though wind energy isn't reducing carbon emissions at all - if anything, wind energy increases pollution. SDG&E as well as all environmental reports, CPUC administrative law judges, and environmental experts stated under oath - the Sunrise Powerlink is not needed for ANY renewable projects - there is more than enough capacity on San Diego's existing Southwest transmission line.
Forbes: "New Report Takes the Wind out of Wind Energy"
Climate Change Paradox: Wind Turbines in Europe Do Nothing for Emissions-Reduction Goals - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Science & Public Policy: Report "The True Cost of Electricity from Wind is ALWAYS Underestimated and its Value is ALWAYS Overestimated." http://
ENRON, CORRUPTION & WIND ENERGY: "If the American public understands why windpower is and must be government dependent to exist as an industry, and if the public knows about industrial wind's Enron roots, then the same public might just say: 'let's take our energy back'.
"Against Wind Energy" Facebook Page: wind energy, wind turbine impacts, reports, articles:
1/13/2012: SDGE'S "ENERGY INNOVATION CENTER" BLASTED AS DUPLICATIVE, UNNECESSARY -- COULD HAVE BEEN ACHIEVED THROUGH SAFER, LESS COSTLY MEANS = WASTE OF SDGE RATEPAYER'S MONEY. SDG&E's "Energy Innovation Center was cited as a poor fiscal decision, wasteful and completely unnecessary. Members of the business community, staff from the California Center for Sustainable Energy and others questioned the duplicative nature of SDGE's "Energy Innovation Center" at a meeting of the Energy Working Groups (EWG) of the San Diego Association of Governments.
In its motion filed on October 25th, UCAN alleges that three essential elements of SDG&E's application are illegal: a Network Use Charge, a Basic Service Fee and a Prepay Service option. The Network Use Charge, as proposed by SDG&E, serves as an obscured surcharge targeted at self-generating customers -- most of whom are photovoltaic (PV) customers.
Such a charge directly violates Section 2827 of the Public Utilities Code. Section 2827 limits a utility from introducing new charges that could cause a self-generating Net Energy Metering customer (NEM) to incur costs that the customer would not incur except for being an NEM customer.
City of Encinitas opposes SDGE The Solar Foundation opposes SDGE: Walmart, The Sierra Club, The Greenlining Institute, Sanyo Corporation, Sharp Corporation, The Solar Alliance, The Solar Energy Industry Association of San Francisco--oppose SDGE:
Such a charge directly violates Section 2827 of the Public Utilities Code. Section 2827 limits a utility from introducing new charges that could cause a self-generating Net Energy Metering customer (NEM) to incur costs that the customer would not incur except for being an NEM customer.
City of Encinitas opposes SDGE The Solar Foundation opposes SDGE: Walmart, The Sierra Club, The Greenlining Institute, Sanyo Corporation, Sharp Corporation, The Solar Alliance, The Solar Energy Industry Association of San Francisco--oppose SDGE:
San Diego's North County Transit District oppose SDGE:
Sam’s Club; Cities of San Diego Chula Vista; Poway Unified School District; Multiple Water Districts, San Diego Solar Coalition, Cities of Solana Beach and Lemon Grove; CPUC Division of Ratepayer Advocates; Utility Consumer Action Network, San Diego County; San Diego's residents; San Diego Center for Sustainable Energy oppose SDG&E:
January 2012:
Sam’s Club; Cities of San Diego Chula Vista; Poway Unified School District; Multiple Water Districts, San Diego Solar Coalition, Cities of Solana Beach and Lemon Grove; CPUC Division of Ratepayer Advocates; Utility Consumer Action Network, San Diego County; San Diego's residents; San Diego Center for Sustainable Energy oppose SDG&E:
January 2012:
October 3, 2011:
September 27, 2011:
September 23, 2011:
September 15, 2011: Class Action lawsuit filed against Sempra's privately owned utility monopoly- SDG&E for causing the catastrophic power outage (blackout) affecting 7 MILLION people from San Clemente, California to Ensenada Mexico.
Sempra & SDG&E's "excuse" for instigating and causing complete power failure affecting over 7 MILLION people in Southern California & Baja ...does not answer the cause of the terrorist style blackout and shows evidence of yet another criminal coverup/deception/fraud by Sempra - SDG&E. Investigations are underway in the US and the much less corrupt Baja, Mexico. Sempra & SDG&E's "incompetencies" and unlawful actions are escalating at an alarming rate (especially in the last 6 months)...common red-flag indicators of an unquestioned, unchecked monopoly (without any natural laws of survival)..completely out of control...they cannot survive. (Re: Sempra's Sunrise Powerlink, Sempra's Energia Costa Azul, Sempra's Termoelectrica de Mexicali, Sempra's foreign, polluting, very expensive, unneeded natural gas stored in Baja, shipped from Indonesia and Sakhalin Russia).
This terrorist-like event caused by Sempra SDG&E proves just how vulnerable the people of Southern California and Baja are - an entire grid collapse (Southern California and Upper Baja)- just from one archaic, polluting 500KV tower ( due to SDG&E mistake)! Centralized utility monopolies are not only predators of our money - but they are also extremely dangerous and a threat to our National Security, (USA & Baja).
Stop the Sunrise Powerlink 500KV - which will only increase California's electric grid vulnerability...allowing one global company (Sempra-with a dirty foreign energy agenda) to have complete Southern California electric grid control. Sempra SDG&E, with a history of energy market manipulation - and artificial congestion on our existing transmission lines. Who in the heck is protecting and ensuring fairness to the people of California ?- obviously NOT the useless, lethargic CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission)!
The people demand energy democracy- power to the people...NOW! Distributed DECENTRALIZED energy :roof top solar...more jobs, no more utility monopolies, no more outrageous utility bill rate hikes (for no reason), no more threat to National Security, no more polluting, last century 500KV towers, no more of Sempra's unneeded, polluting foreign fossil fuels...the list of benefits for the people are endless!
The people demand energy democracy- power to the people...NOW! Distributed DECENTRALIZED energy :roof top solar...more jobs, no more utility monopolies, no more outrageous utility bill rate hikes (for no reason), no more threat to National Security, no more polluting, last century 500KV towers, no more of Sempra's unneeded, polluting foreign fossil fuels...the list of benefits for the people are endless!
From La Jornada, "Blackout Affects 5 Million in BC, Sonora, San Diego and Yuma:
August 25, 2011: Sempra Energy continues to unfairly and illegally monopolize energy markets in the US and Mexico. It's common knowledge that Sempra Energy and it's subsidiary, SDGE, could not exist if they did not completely monopolize all of their services. If Sempra and SDGE had an even playing field, they would no longer be able to freely bribe politicians and covet prime no-bid contracts without any interference or question. No one who believes in Democracy and Capitalism; with any speculation background; or grade-school education-for that matter, would knowingly purchase and utilize Sempra's Costa Azul foreign, polluting, expensive natural gas over USA domestic natural gas.
Sempra's latest cheating tactic is it's recent purchase of the El Paso Pipeline - so that Sempra can continue to force (due to their monopoly) their much more expensive, foreign natural gas through Arizona and California. If Sempra did not have a monopoly - their no bid contract would be laughed at and kicked to the curb for its outrageous, unfair and un-American agenda. Sempra has been drooling over the El Paso Pipeline for some time - because its the only way Sempra can sell its sub-standard Costa Azul natural gas to the USA -that nobody wants or needs!
Sempra's SDGE, a San Diego utility monopoly, have also attempted to force Sempra's Costa Azul foreign polluting natural gas, (via the electrical grid) through the highly opposed, in court, archaic Sunrise Powerlink 500KV. Sempra and SDGE worked hard to cash in on political favors by "buying" approval through lower level "politically appointed," totally unqualified government employees - the Schwarzenegger appointed CPUC; Cleveland National Forest Supervisor, William Metz, as well as a few BLM employees. Sempra's CEO Reed also sits on the Board of Director's of Halliburton - and undoubtedly used her old cronie Ex-VP Cheney (the most despicable), for Presidential support of the Sunrise Pollutionlink lie.
Americans, politicians and the CPUC have a very short term memory -- It was not that long ago, that Sempra, Enron and El Paso Natural Gas pipeline conspired and manipulated the energy market - costing California ratepayers ...$9 BILLION--this stolen money has NEVER been paid-back to the California ratepayers! = political corporate corruption and collusion to the highest degree !
Sempra's SDGE, a San Diego utility monopoly, have also attempted to force Sempra's Costa Azul foreign polluting natural gas, (via the electrical grid) through the highly opposed, in court, archaic Sunrise Powerlink 500KV. Sempra and SDGE worked hard to cash in on political favors by "buying" approval through lower level "politically appointed," totally unqualified government employees - the Schwarzenegger appointed CPUC; Cleveland National Forest Supervisor, William Metz, as well as a few BLM employees. Sempra's CEO Reed also sits on the Board of Director's of Halliburton - and undoubtedly used her old cronie Ex-VP Cheney (the most despicable), for Presidential support of the Sunrise Pollutionlink lie.
Americans, politicians and the CPUC have a very short term memory -- It was not that long ago, that Sempra, Enron and El Paso Natural Gas pipeline conspired and manipulated the energy market - costing California ratepayers ...$9 BILLION--this stolen money has NEVER been paid-back to the California ratepayers! = political corporate corruption and collusion to the highest degree !
Sempra's tactics (greed), like Halliburton, has NOTHING to do with honesty, fairness or what is good for the people and the environment. Evil is as Evil does!
August 7, 2011: The Mexican Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives officially declared Darcel Hulse, President, Board of Directors, Sempra Energy (Costa Azul LNG) a "persona non grata": a severe moral condemnation and social censure- by society and institutions and organizations for lack of respect of established norms, attitudes contrary to peace and moral damage that he (Sempra Energy) has done or intended to cause to the citizens and environment of Mexico.
Sempra, Costa Azul LNG violations in Baja, Mexico Include: (1) Fraud and Abuse of Authority (2) Damage to Property (3) Espionage (4) Violation of State Regulation ( 5) Submission of False Information (6) Breach of Rule of Law (7) Influence Peddling (8) Commission of Embezzlement (9) Monopolistic Practices (10) Failure to comply with national regulations and international action on the buffer zone for protection in cases of high risk contingencies (11) Environmental Crime (12) Violation of General Constitution -Article 4 (13) Violation of General Constitution - Article 33.
Sempra is no match for the honorable Jaime Martinez Veloz and Congressman Jose Narro Cespedes!
Sempra is no match for the honorable Jaime Martinez Veloz and Congressman Jose Narro Cespedes!
July 16, 2011: The Honorable Enrique Pelayo Torres, Mayor of Ensenada, states that his visa to the USA has been 'frozen". The Mayor further states that Sempra falsely claimed (cried) to US authorities that he had committed 'extortion" against Sempra. Sempra is known for making false accusations "of extortion" - or - "they just want our money" - or- "they are disgruntled and want our money"...and Sempra's charges are always found to be groundless lies. To accuse the very respected Mayor of Ensenada of extortion - is absurd, and a terrible insult to the people and government of Mexico.
July 5, 2011: SEMPRA SDG&E'S PROOF OF LIES: SUNRISE POWERLINK JAPATUL SUBSTATION. Sempra San Diego Gas and Electric contract workers using explosives to blast an entire wilderness mountaintop to its death..before court! - 9th District Court of Appeal has been filed!
Why Proof of Lies? The lies are uncovered in the SIZE of the Substation. Whether stated in Federal court, the media and (San Diego Gas and Electric ratepayer paid) ads-- Sempra, San Diego Gas and Electric and evidently Judge Benitez are trying to force us to believe that Sempra's Sunrise Powerlink is necessary to carry "green energy" for San Diego (oh, by the way..what green energy?). This substation is MASSIVE (30 times larger than a substation that is just carrying a few renewables to San Diego)- and is obviously meant to carry Sempra's FOREIGN fossil fuels (natural gas) via Sempra's Termoelectrica de Mexicali electricity generating plant - Sunrise Powerlink phase 1 and 2 - to Los Angeles...to monopolize and shut out the US domestic natural gas industry.
Sempra San Diego Gas and Electric placed this substation in a very secluded undeveloped area with no road access, in a wild life corridor; surrounded by wild lands to make this one of the highest fire risks in California. Sempra San Diego Gas and Electric must have thought that they could hide this ugly elephant off the road and out of view - so the public would not see how HUGE it was and become suspicious of their true intentions. But they forgot about...us!!
Sempra San Diego Gas and Electric's Sunrise Powerlink Japatul "substation" area is equal in size to 68 FOOTBALL FIELDS (70 acres)! The people of California demand the right for truthful, accurate information (in Federal courts, media or advertisements) regarding all aspects of the purpose and operation of Sempra and San Diego Gas and Electrics Sunrise Powerlink 500KV...IT IS OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO KNOW THE TRUTH - ESPECIALLY SINCE CALIFORNIA RATEPAYERS HAVE TO PAY IN FULL FOR THIS LIE! ...Whether legally documented (in writing) OR NOT!!
Sempra's Sunrise Powerlink's TRUE purpose:
Sempra: Exporting Pollution - Greenpeace - Corpwatch:
Sempra's Sunrise Powerlink - Bush Energy Policy - the true story:
BP and Sempra (two of a kind) in partnership to ship foreign LNG to Costa Azul
June 2, 2011 USA Natural Gas Glut...USA exporting its natural gas to other countries:
Sempra's Costa Azul LNG (Sunrise Powerlink 500KV via Sempra's Termoelectrica de Mexicali)--
costs more than double compared to USA domestic LNG :
Sempra San Diego Gas and Electric placed this substation in a very secluded undeveloped area with no road access, in a wild life corridor; surrounded by wild lands to make this one of the highest fire risks in California. Sempra San Diego Gas and Electric must have thought that they could hide this ugly elephant off the road and out of view - so the public would not see how HUGE it was and become suspicious of their true intentions. But they forgot about...us!!
Sempra San Diego Gas and Electric's Sunrise Powerlink Japatul "substation" area is equal in size to 68 FOOTBALL FIELDS (70 acres)! The people of California demand the right for truthful, accurate information (in Federal courts, media or advertisements) regarding all aspects of the purpose and operation of Sempra and San Diego Gas and Electrics Sunrise Powerlink 500KV...IT IS OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO KNOW THE TRUTH - ESPECIALLY SINCE CALIFORNIA RATEPAYERS HAVE TO PAY IN FULL FOR THIS LIE! ...Whether legally documented (in writing) OR NOT!!
Sempra's Sunrise Powerlink's TRUE purpose:
Sempra: Exporting Pollution - Greenpeace - Corpwatch:
Sempra's Sunrise Powerlink - Bush Energy Policy - the true story:
BP and Sempra (two of a kind) in partnership to ship foreign LNG to Costa Azul
June 2, 2011 USA Natural Gas Glut...USA exporting its natural gas to other countries:
Sempra's Costa Azul LNG (Sunrise Powerlink 500KV via Sempra's Termoelectrica de Mexicali)--
costs more than double compared to USA domestic LNG :
July 1, 2011:
Sempra and San Diego Gas and Electric testified under oath that construction of the Sunrise Powerlink 500kv (2-3 BILLION DOLLARS AT CA RATEPAYERS EXPENSE), was necessary to import renewable power to San Diego. Other San Diego Gas and Electric and Sempra renewable projects have also failed: Imperial Valley Solar project (supposedly SDGE's foundation reason for the Powerlink): SDGE cancelled the contract...Sempra/BP's Sierra Juarez wind project in Baja: failed to win US Presidential permit - (in the public's best interest).
THREE CHEERS TO NEVADA GOVERNOR BRIAN SANDOVAL !- against incredible odds, he rules in favor of the people and our environment -rather than some faceless Nevada Energy shareholders!
June 21, 2011: Sempra and San Diego Gas and Electric's Sunrise Powerlink court case update: Judge Benitez (the 3rd judge on this case) held a very, very brief court hearing (evidently he was in a hurry for another case). He stated that he will make his "decision" after going through the paperwork. At this juncture, whatever "decision" he comes up with - we pray for swift justice - so this case can move on to the more important, fair and credible 9th District Court of Appeals. As Sempra/SDG&E waste time with delays for their benefit (they keep building the unlawful (on so many levels) Powerlink) - they are also wasting massive amounts California ratepayer's money.
June 20, 2011: Sempra and San Diego Gas and Electric's Sunrise Powerlink case heads to court June 21st.
June 12, 2011: "WITNESS SAYS SEMPRA'S UTILITY- San Diego Gas and Electric, TRIED TO HIDE EVIDENCE OF FALLEN POWERLINK TOWER and INTIMIDATED PHOTOGRAPHER" ...from award winning East County Magazine.
(reference: June 10, 2011 Sempra and San Diego Gas and Electric's "Sunbird" helicopter causes a 2nd serious accident within 3 days of the 1st accident--dropping another 15,000lb section of Sunrise Powerlink from 200' in the air ...from the same equipment failure!!)
Sempra and
*Channel 10 news: "SDG&E safety concerns raised w/Powerlink" - CPUC merely "scolds" SDG&E for withholding incident reports: http://www.10news.com/news/28253731/detail.html
In 2004, Sempra and San Diego Gas and Electric's Sunrise Powerlink was marketed and understood to be the "California Phase" of Sempra's plan to carry (via California's electrical grid) their foreign LNG from Sempra's Costa Azul storage plants in Ensenada-through Sempra's Mexicali gas fired electricity generating plant (Termoelectrica de Mexicali), in Baja. Because of Sempra and the Bush Administration's dubious love affair -Sempra's foreign Costa Azul LNG, and
Sempra and San Diego Gas and Electric's Sunrise Powerlink 500KV was deemed of "National Interest" by "authority" of the US Energy Department (Bush/Cheney), Sempra was UNLAWFULLY allowed to seize and steal our BLM, National Forest and private land for their Sunrise Powerlink 500KV transmission line...The Sunrise Powerlink's ONLY purpose is to utilize Sempra's foreign, expensive polluting natural gas...and then to monopolize and manipulate the Greater Los Angeles electrical grid.
Sempra SDG&E's Sunrise Powerlink is NOT, and has NEVER been "of National Interest" as the Sempra-friendly Bush administration allowed. In fact, the Sunrise Powerlink would be an unnecessary, expensive DETRIMENT (of national dis-interest), creating an unfair monopoly, exclusively for Sempra, of the Los Angeles market. Sempra Energy is a global company, with a history of market manipulation and other high crimes against the United States.
USA domestic natural gas is at an all time glut- there is over-production - US domestic natural gas is much cheaper - US domestic natural gas carries a 25% LESS GHG (greenhouse gas) burden. Major corporations are currently tearing up our public BLM lands -drilling massive quantities of natural gas in the USA.
On June 1, 2011: "In a memo to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Director Bob Abbey, Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar today confirmed that, pursuant to the 2011 Continuing Resolution, the BLM will not designate any lands as "Wild Lands." Thus opening up America's "not" wild lands to even more natural gas drilling....If these companies are going to take away all of our public lands - then at least California should be "buying" this over-produced US domestic natural gas (domestic is much cheaper than Sempra's foreign LNG anyway)! Sempra's Bush/Cheney authorized foreign natural gas monopoly (Sunrise Powerlink - for the Los Angeles grid, no less), would compete and overrule our own US domestic natural gas companies!
AN OUTRAGEOUS INJUSTICE - THOUGHTLESS! The ratepayers of California and US taxpayers would have to pay $BILLIONS for this foreign lie!
The US (domestic) natural gas industry will lose $BILLIONS for this foreign lie!
Sempra and San Diego Gas and Electric's Sunrise Powerlink 500KV was deemed of "National Interest" by "authority" of the US Energy Department (Bush/Cheney), Sempra was UNLAWFULLY allowed to seize and steal our BLM, National Forest and private land for their Sunrise Powerlink 500KV transmission line...The Sunrise Powerlink's ONLY purpose is to utilize Sempra's foreign, expensive polluting natural gas...and then to monopolize and manipulate the Greater Los Angeles electrical grid.
Sempra SDG&E's Sunrise Powerlink is NOT, and has NEVER been "of National Interest" as the Sempra-friendly Bush administration allowed. In fact, the Sunrise Powerlink would be an unnecessary, expensive DETRIMENT (of national dis-interest), creating an unfair monopoly, exclusively for Sempra, of the Los Angeles market. Sempra Energy is a global company, with a history of market manipulation and other high crimes against the United States.
USA domestic natural gas is at an all time glut- there is over-production - US domestic natural gas is much cheaper - US domestic natural gas carries a 25% LESS GHG (greenhouse gas) burden. Major corporations are currently tearing up our public BLM lands -drilling massive quantities of natural gas in the USA.
On June 1, 2011: "In a memo to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Director Bob Abbey, Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar today confirmed that, pursuant to the 2011 Continuing Resolution, the BLM will not designate any lands as "Wild Lands." Thus opening up America's "not" wild lands to even more natural gas drilling....If these companies are going to take away all of our public lands - then at least California should be "buying" this over-produced US domestic natural gas (domestic is much cheaper than Sempra's foreign LNG anyway)! Sempra's Bush/Cheney authorized foreign natural gas monopoly (Sunrise Powerlink - for the Los Angeles grid, no less), would compete and overrule our own US domestic natural gas companies!
AN OUTRAGEOUS INJUSTICE - THOUGHTLESS! The ratepayers of California and US taxpayers would have to pay $BILLIONS for this foreign lie!
The US (domestic) natural gas industry will lose $BILLIONS for this foreign lie!
http://wilderness.org/ http://wilderness.org/content/administration-backtracks-wild-lands-policy
![]() |
Sunrise Powerlink construction accident: DISASTER from incompetence |
June 10, 2011 Sempra/SDG&E helicopter causes a 2nd serious accident -dropping a section of Sunrise Powerlink tower 200'- with the same malfunction!
SDG&E simply resumes construction with other equipment- without any fines, penalties, construction shut-downs for public and employee safety or outside investigation by the CPUC! Its well known that desperate SDG&E/Sempra are purposely, dangerously and foolishly rushing this Powerlink project before pending court dates-- at the expense of innocent people and even their own workers lives. Where is the CPUC?
Sempra/SDG&E believe that if they have a large portion of towers put up before the court date - that the courts will rule in Sempra's favor...but in reality- no matter how much damage and construction SDG&E/Sempra has done; it would still be better for California ratepayers to lose a few million dollars than...$10 BILLION (the unneccessary total cost burden of the Sunrise Powerlink to California ratepayers over 40 years...long after the Powerlink is an obsolete piece of trash). The $10 BILLION does not take into account the 1000's of acres of permanently destroyed and contaminated private and public land; nor the hundreds of millions of gallons of precious water wasted; lost US jobs and domestic natural gas sales for 40 years- because of Sempra's Los Angeles electric grid monopoly; wildlife and eagles gone forever; scenic beauty- gone forever.
Sempra-SDG&E and their pals at the CPUC forgot one of the most important mitigation measures for the Sunrise Powerlink : the cost and method of tearing down and cleaning up the unwanted, unneeded, prematurely built parts of the "loser" and evidently cursed by their own lies, 500KV Sunrise Powerlink.
June 7, 2011: Sempra's SDG&E "Sunbird" helicopter drops and crashes an entire section of a 180 ' Sunrise Powerlink tower -from 200 feet in the air!
...Sunrise Powerlink 500KV transmission line = an unneeded, unwanted $2 BILLION wreck - paid in full by California ratepayers.
SDG&E simply resumes construction with other equipment- without any fines, penalties, construction shut-downs for public and employee safety or outside investigation by the CPUC! Its well known that desperate SDG&E/Sempra are purposely, dangerously and foolishly rushing this Powerlink project before pending court dates-- at the expense of innocent people and even their own workers lives. Where is the CPUC?
Sempra/SDG&E believe that if they have a large portion of towers put up before the court date - that the courts will rule in Sempra's favor...but in reality- no matter how much damage and construction SDG&E/Sempra has done; it would still be better for California ratepayers to lose a few million dollars than...$10 BILLION (the unneccessary total cost burden of the Sunrise Powerlink to California ratepayers over 40 years...long after the Powerlink is an obsolete piece of trash). The $10 BILLION does not take into account the 1000's of acres of permanently destroyed and contaminated private and public land; nor the hundreds of millions of gallons of precious water wasted; lost US jobs and domestic natural gas sales for 40 years- because of Sempra's Los Angeles electric grid monopoly; wildlife and eagles gone forever; scenic beauty- gone forever.
Sempra-SDG&E and their pals at the CPUC forgot one of the most important mitigation measures for the Sunrise Powerlink : the cost and method of tearing down and cleaning up the unwanted, unneeded, prematurely built parts of the "loser" and evidently cursed by their own lies, 500KV Sunrise Powerlink.
June 7, 2011: Sempra's SDG&E "Sunbird" helicopter drops and crashes an entire section of a 180 ' Sunrise Powerlink tower -from 200 feet in the air!
...Sunrise Powerlink 500KV transmission line = an unneeded, unwanted $2 BILLION wreck - paid in full by California ratepayers.
June 3, 2011:
June 3, 2011:
May 27, 2011:
May 25, 2011: SEMPRA/ BP'S SIERRA JUAREZ WIND PROJECT in BAJA-OFFICIALLY SCRAPPED. Sempra falsely blames the legal Ensenada municipal closure of Costa Azul due to SEMPRA's gross violations including unlawful permitting, extreme danger to the population and environmental laws/regulations. The so-called "cancellation" of Sempra/BP's Sierra Juarez Wind Farm was actually REJECTED by USA- The Sierra Juarez project FAILS to comply with Federal requirements "consistent with public interest"...including Environmental Impacts and Electrical Reliability.
Sempra Energy has corporate offices based in the USA - but Sempra Energy is considered a global company, with global interests. Sempra's "global concerns" are many times-- NOT in the best interest of the people, government or environment of the United States. As evident by Sempra's history of 'malfeasence"-- Sempra purposely withheld energy from the people of California (causing fake blackouts- a severe danger and threat to our National Security") - merely to drive up prices for themselves. Sempra has also been involved with market manipulation of USA natural gas - causing great turmoil and upsetting the national economy - again, Sempra's actions against the people and USA government -merely to drive up prices for themselves. .
Sempra, and its subsidiary SDGE and the dubious efforts of the "Schwarzenegger appointed CPUC" (California Public Utilities Commission) have already enslaved San Diego with Sempra's unneeded COSTA AZUL very expensive, polluting, unneeded, foreign natural gas -as well as their "global agenda".
To allow construction of Sempra's Sunrise Powerlink will threaten USA National Security...Sempra Energy, a global, private business, who has monopolistic control of a USA public utility (SDGE); Sempra Energy, a company who has committed serious criminal acts against the people and the government without regret or compassion, would gain control of an even greater potential for "manipulation" and crisis --the Greater Los Angeles electricity grid...via their Sunrise Powerlink...costing $BILLIONS - paid for by innocent California ratepayers- who have been mislead and deceived into believing the Sunrise Powerlink is for "renewable energy" - when in fact it is to carry Sempra's loser, polluting, foreign Costa Azul LNG that NO ONE wants or needs! (cited "links" forthcoming).
May 15, 2011 - President Obama calls for an end to USA oil and gas subsidies. President Obama calls for an end to USA foreign fossil fuel dependence...an end to USA's unnecessary, costly dependence on Sempra's foreign Costa Azul LNG= Sunrise Powerlink, Carlsbad, CA LNG, San Diego's Southwest Powerline, All of San Diego's natural gas pipelines connected to Sempra's Costa Azul LNG.
May 6, 2011 - Sunrise Powerlink case..Another judge "bites the dust" - Judge Battaglia recused. Latest Judge Benitez (judge #3) cancels injunction hearing- everything is on hold. The case has overwhelming evidence to stop Sempra/SDG;E's Powerlink- San Diego judges reluctant to make the call - tossing the case like it's a "hot potato". San Diego is "Sempra-SDGE" territory (thru bribery or --wining, dining "donations" as Sempra/SDGE claim)- Judges intimidated by Sempra/SDG;E's influence or wrath. Judge Battaglia recused himself from the case, claiming he or his son own Sempra stocks. Having the case for quite some time...Judge Battaglia "suddenly remembers" (one day before the Sunrise Powerlink injunction hearing) he owns Sempra stock...its obvious that "ill-intentions" are at work.
San Diego judges lack courage to stand up and put a stop to the injustice and illegality of Sempra ; its subsidiary SDG;E's actions. Sempra, SDGE, BLM and their expensive anti-environmental law firm, Latham-Watkins- find slick, dishonorable ways to delay the Sunrise Powerlink court hearings --basically, the only "semi-legal" way of prolonging their "false and unlawful approvals".
In the meantime...Sempra/SDGE continue to waste massive (hemorrhage) amounts of ratepayer's money (with the equally corrupt CPUC's approval) by building the most ugly, unwanted, out-of-date, dangerous- fire starting 500KV towers and substations...completely defying EVERY mitigation requirement they agreed to uphold, on land they purchased with ratepayer's money. SDGE ; Sempra are building at breakneck speed...weekends, nights without regard for anyone or anything --rushing as if there will be no tomorrow!
One employee of SDGE stated that Sempra's plan is to build as much as possible (cheating the court system and the people's right for justice by using "delays") and if (and when) they lose cases - they will just continue to build, ignore the rulings and pay fines (out of ratepayer's pockets). Sempra (a global company- also charged with serious violations in Baja, Mexico for their Costa Azul LNG) believes they are so powerful that they are above United States law...Unfortunately for Sempra/SDG;E, most of the politicians they bribed for this disaster/sham of a project are long gone; no one cares what local (Sempra/SDGE bought ; paid for) Chamber of Commerces' or Labor Boards shill about...And Governor Brown has replaced 3 of the CPUC members with honest - consumer concerned-- Commissioners.
SEMPRA VS RUDY MICHELON: $20 MILLION CASA AZUL RESORT FOR SEMPRA CEO's REED, FELSINGER and CRONIES @ SDGE's ratepayers expense! = $65K bar, $20K dining room table, $25K for a ceiling lamp, $400K for matching chairs ++..Sempra's Casa Azul expenses were sent to Sempra Corporate for payment...Over 1/2 the money Sempra receives as income IS SKIMMED FROM SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC (its subsidiary) RATEPAYERS. Question: What did Rudy Michelon do that was against Sempra ? Answer: Rudy Michelon merely told the truth.
This is what happens when US citizens are forced by politicians and the CPUC to "hire" a criminal- (Sempra/SDGE), with a long history of crimes against the people, the government and the environment. .SUNRISE POWERLINK COURT DELAYS = DENYING JUSTICE TO THE PEOPLE THE ENVIRONMENT = OUTRAGEOUS INJUSTICE
In the meantime...Sempra/SDGE continue to waste massive (hemorrhage) amounts of ratepayer's money (with the equally corrupt CPUC's approval) by building the most ugly, unwanted, out-of-date, dangerous- fire starting 500KV towers and substations...completely defying EVERY mitigation requirement they agreed to uphold, on land they purchased with ratepayer's money. SDGE ; Sempra are building at breakneck speed...weekends, nights without regard for anyone or anything --rushing as if there will be no tomorrow!
One employee of SDGE stated that Sempra's plan is to build as much as possible (cheating the court system and the people's right for justice by using "delays") and if (and when) they lose cases - they will just continue to build, ignore the rulings and pay fines (out of ratepayer's pockets). Sempra (a global company- also charged with serious violations in Baja, Mexico for their Costa Azul LNG) believes they are so powerful that they are above United States law...Unfortunately for Sempra/SDG;E, most of the politicians they bribed for this disaster/sham of a project are long gone; no one cares what local (Sempra/SDGE bought ; paid for) Chamber of Commerces' or Labor Boards shill about...And Governor Brown has replaced 3 of the CPUC members with honest - consumer concerned-- Commissioners.
SEMPRA VS RUDY MICHELON: $20 MILLION CASA AZUL RESORT FOR SEMPRA CEO's REED, FELSINGER and CRONIES @ SDGE's ratepayers expense! = $65K bar, $20K dining room table, $25K for a ceiling lamp, $400K for matching chairs ++..Sempra's Casa Azul expenses were sent to Sempra Corporate for payment...Over 1/2 the money Sempra receives as income IS SKIMMED FROM SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC (its subsidiary) RATEPAYERS. Question: What did Rudy Michelon do that was against Sempra ? Answer: Rudy Michelon merely told the truth.
Despite Sempra's defensive, derogatory remarks- Rudy Michelon is a courageous, honest and noble man - with a global following of supporters and friends.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPx4fiGpjy4&feature=related
May 4, 2011 - Good News: Judge Michael Anello has been removed from presiding over the Sunrise Powerlink case! The new presiding judge has granted a public hearing for an injunction to stop the Sunrise Powerlink...a consideration and right Judge Anello had refused. SDG;E and the BLM are represented by one of the largest, most expensive anti-environmental law firms in the US; Latham-Watkins...Ex-Sempra lobbyist and now Deputy Director of the Interior- David Hayes also worked for this notorious law firm. It's ironic that our own government agencies (BLM and the US Forest Service-dependent on US taxpayers) would side with a merchant or middleman that peddles foreign energy like LNG (Sempra-SDGE), rather than the majority of citizens, environmentalists, experts and scientists.
April 30, 2011 - SEMPRA'S ROSAMOND CALIFORNIA SOLAR PROJECT - Sempra, (1) under investigation by the SEC, US Attorney's Office and FBI; (2) charged with gross irregularities and violations of their Costa Azul LNG facility by the Mexican government; (3) multiple viable lawsuits against Sempra/SDG&E's polluting Sunrise Powerlink transmission line that they hope to connect to Costa Azul LNG sources (and this is just Sempra's current list of woes - Sempra's past serious crimes and fines fill a full page)--is set to steal $6 BILLION of US taxpayers federal stimulus money for a "Hell on Earth" 30 million unit solar project- permanently destroying fertile farmland & seizing control of precious aquifer water from area farmers threatened with rationing. $6 Billion of taxpayer's money, complete destruction of land utilizing unproven technology ...all for 8 permanent jobs!!
It doesn't take Einstein to know that all of these industrial scale solar projects will probably be outdated and a permanent waste of our natural resources and money within 5-10 years. Future generations can look forward to tens of millions of acres (if the BLM gets its way), of barren wasteland with solar trash and massive dust storms - no wild mustangs or burros, no wildlife, no birds, no tortoises or reptiles, no trees, no plants or shrubs of any kind, unfit for farming - All for a few corrupt politicians and greedy corporations.
"Fast-Track" and "Federal Stimulus Money" should be red flag giveaways:
April 30, 2011 - SEMPRA'S ROSAMOND CALIFORNIA SOLAR PROJECT - Sempra, (1) under investigation by the SEC, US Attorney's Office and FBI; (2) charged with gross irregularities and violations of their Costa Azul LNG facility by the Mexican government; (3) multiple viable lawsuits against Sempra/SDG&E's polluting Sunrise Powerlink transmission line that they hope to connect to Costa Azul LNG sources (and this is just Sempra's current list of woes - Sempra's past serious crimes and fines fill a full page)--is set to steal $6 BILLION of US taxpayers federal stimulus money for a "Hell on Earth" 30 million unit solar project- permanently destroying fertile farmland & seizing control of precious aquifer water from area farmers threatened with rationing. $6 Billion of taxpayer's money, complete destruction of land utilizing unproven technology ...all for 8 permanent jobs!!
It doesn't take Einstein to know that all of these industrial scale solar projects will probably be outdated and a permanent waste of our natural resources and money within 5-10 years. Future generations can look forward to tens of millions of acres (if the BLM gets its way), of barren wasteland with solar trash and massive dust storms - no wild mustangs or burros, no wildlife, no birds, no tortoises or reptiles, no trees, no plants or shrubs of any kind, unfit for farming - All for a few corrupt politicians and greedy corporations.
"Fast-Track" and "Federal Stimulus Money" should be red flag giveaways:
Fast-Track = the project is SO BAD that it would not pass any environmental reviews- "fast track" is used to ignore and by-pass all environmental studies -- especially long term effects and impact.
Federal Stimulus = the project is SO BAD - there are no investors willing to lose money...US government interference forces innocent over-taxed citizens to pay for these loser projects.
April 29, 2011 -
"The legislative subcommittee investigating the installation of Sempra's Costa Azul LNG facility in Ensenada, concluded that the company and the Mexican government on three levels, committed "many irregularities and inconsistencies" in the administrative procedures for granting permits and in environmental impact." "The Legislative Subcommittee of the Environment agrees with the XX City: Installation of Sempra Energy in Ensenada, irregular and inconsistent." By Javier Aguirre Cruz, 4 Vientos
***Sempra is using its subsidiary, SDGE (San Diego Gas and Electric), to force an archaic, unneeded, dangerous $2-3 BILLION 500KV transmission line (Sunrise Powerlink) through San Diego County -- to connect to Sempra's loser Costa Azul LNG electricity generating source in Baja (Mexicali). All at California ratepayers and US taxpayers expense! Only the most naive or corrupt would NOT believe that Sempra / SDGE violated local and federal laws on land use, environmental protection and safeguarding the integrity of the population of the San Diego region too...just as they did with the people of Baja.
Federal Stimulus = the project is SO BAD - there are no investors willing to lose money...US government interference forces innocent over-taxed citizens to pay for these loser projects.
April 29, 2011 -
"The legislative subcommittee investigating the installation of Sempra's Costa Azul LNG facility in Ensenada, concluded that the company and the Mexican government on three levels, committed "many irregularities and inconsistencies" in the administrative procedures for granting permits and in environmental impact." "The Legislative Subcommittee of the Environment agrees with the XX City: Installation of Sempra Energy in Ensenada, irregular and inconsistent." By Javier Aguirre Cruz, 4 Vientos
***Sempra is using its subsidiary, SDGE (San Diego Gas and Electric), to force an archaic, unneeded, dangerous $2-3 BILLION 500KV transmission line (Sunrise Powerlink) through San Diego County -- to connect to Sempra's loser Costa Azul LNG electricity generating source in Baja (Mexicali). All at California ratepayers and US taxpayers expense! Only the most naive or corrupt would NOT believe that Sempra / SDGE violated local and federal laws on land use, environmental protection and safeguarding the integrity of the population of the San Diego region too...just as they did with the people of Baja.
La Jornada, Roberto Garduno,: "Sempra Violated Laws in Collusion w/Authorities: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jornada.unam.mx%2F2011%2F05%2F02%2Findex.php%3Fsection%3Dpolitica&article=014n1pol
"FORTY REASONS WHY SEMPRA SHOULD BE BANISHED FROM MEXICO FOREVER!" By Felipe Daniel Ruanova Zárate via Facebook- Los Danos de Sempra Energy a Baja California....INTRO: The people and government of Baja, Mexico are fed up with Sempra Energy, its subsidiaries, Costa Azul LNG and port. Charged with countless unlawful violations against the people, the environment and the government of Mexico, the people are fighting with tremendous support from the government, for the permanent closure of Costa Azul LNG, and the banishment of Sempra Energy and its subsidiaries from Mexico. Following, are 40 reasons why "Sempra should be Banished From Mexico Forever" ...(Translated from Spanish)
Original Spanish version: https://www.facebook.com/pages/LOS-DA%C3%91OS-DE-SEMPRA-ENERGY-A-BAJA-CALIFORNIA/10150097130155154#!/notes/los-da%C3%B1os-de-sempra-energy-a-baja-california/40-razones-para-que-sempra-energy-sea-desterrada-de-m%C3%A9xico-para-siempre-felipe-r/10150247755452247
March 31, 2011 - Sempra official threatens daughter of (forced illegal eviction by) land-owner Eugenio Sanchez Ritchie 4 times. Sempra tries to intimidate her; to retract criminal prosecution against Sempra's illegal land eviction, because, “If you don't- there will be serious consequences against you.” Sempra's mafia tactics - doesn't scare anyone anymore - the world is watching now!
La Jornada, Roberto Garduno,: "Sempra Violated Laws in Collusion w/Authorities: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jornada.unam.mx%2F2011%2F05%2F02%2Findex.php%3Fsection%3Dpolitica&article=014n1pol
"FORTY REASONS WHY SEMPRA SHOULD BE BANISHED FROM MEXICO FOREVER!" By Felipe Daniel Ruanova Zárate via Facebook- Los Danos de Sempra Energy a Baja California....INTRO: The people and government of Baja, Mexico are fed up with Sempra Energy, its subsidiaries, Costa Azul LNG and port. Charged with countless unlawful violations against the people, the environment and the government of Mexico, the people are fighting with tremendous support from the government, for the permanent closure of Costa Azul LNG, and the banishment of Sempra Energy and its subsidiaries from Mexico. Following, are 40 reasons why "Sempra should be Banished From Mexico Forever" ...(Translated from Spanish)
Original Spanish version: https://www.facebook.com/pages/LOS-DA%C3%91OS-DE-SEMPRA-ENERGY-A-BAJA-CALIFORNIA/10150097130155154#!/notes/los-da%C3%B1os-de-sempra-energy-a-baja-california/40-razones-para-que-sempra-energy-sea-desterrada-de-m%C3%A9xico-para-siempre-felipe-r/10150247755452247
March 31, 2011 - Sempra official threatens daughter of (forced illegal eviction by) land-owner Eugenio Sanchez Ritchie 4 times. Sempra tries to intimidate her; to retract criminal prosecution against Sempra's illegal land eviction, because, “If you don't- there will be serious consequences against you.” Sempra's mafia tactics - doesn't scare anyone anymore - the world is watching now!
March 30, 2011 - MEXICAN FEDERAL DEPUTIES CRITICIZE THE UNLAWFUL CONSTRUCTION OF SEMPRA'S COSTA AZUL LNG TERMINAL. THEY THREATEN TO CLOSE DOWN SEMPRA IF THE CASE IS CLARIFIED. Sempra's reaction is hostile and defensive. Sempra's standard practice of influence peddling and bribery-to hide the truth - ARE NOW WORTHLESS. Violations have been documented by the MNC and government officials in Baja California, including former PAN governor Eugenio Elorduy. The lawmakers warned will not reverse the determination to close the company if confirmed anomalies have been identified and documented in the past three months.
March 22, 2011 - Sempra misleads and deceives the public : by advertising in the San Diego Union Tribune that Costa Azul LNG "passes inspection" by a Mexican government agency: PROFEPA. Sempra did not mention that PROFEPA is not regarded as a reputable source of scientific and analytic studies, and that PROFEPA and Sempra share the same corrupt ties of influence. Sempra also did not mention multiple reports and findings by prestigious organizations such as Greenpeace USA, Greenpeace Mexico, Center for Biological Diversity and Pacific Environment that report Sempra's Costa Azul is in fact an extreme public health and safety danger as well as causing gross environmental and ecological damage and pollution to Ensenada and its marine life.
The false report: http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2011/mar/18/sempra-lng-terminal-passes-mexican-environmental-i/
Profepa under investigation: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fportada.elobservadordiario.com%2Fportada%2Fmexico%2F520-investigaran-diputados-denuncias-contra-regasificadora-energia-costa-azul-en-ensenada%2F
Scientific findings: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jornada.unam.mx%2F2011%2F03%2F27%2Findex.php%3Fsection%3Dpolitica&article=019n1pol
3/19/2011- USA Ambassador to Mexico, Carlos Pascual resigns his post. Announced by the secretary to Hillary Clinton. The U.S. ambassador to Mexico, Carlos Pascual, submitted his resignation to Barack Obama to avoid the issues raised by President Felipe Calderón of distracting USA/Mexico bilateral relations.
Profepa under investigation: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fportada.elobservadordiario.com%2Fportada%2Fmexico%2F520-investigaran-diputados-denuncias-contra-regasificadora-energia-costa-azul-en-ensenada%2F
Scientific findings: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jornada.unam.mx%2F2011%2F03%2F27%2Findex.php%3Fsection%3Dpolitica&article=019n1pol
3/19/2011- USA Ambassador to Mexico, Carlos Pascual resigns his post. Announced by the secretary to Hillary Clinton. The U.S. ambassador to Mexico, Carlos Pascual, submitted his resignation to Barack Obama to avoid the issues raised by President Felipe Calderón of distracting USA/Mexico bilateral relations.
"The diplomat stressed that the security of property rights and the rule of law will remain a critical factor in the ability of Baja California to attract investment, not only U.S. but also other large investors." Your prompt response to the situation of the Sempra facility showed that it provides a safe environment operating in Baja California, it will contribute to an ongoing investment, "he added.================================================
***To overlook Baja, Mexico laws and regulations for the benefit of foreign companies like Sempra - will encourage other greedy, corrupt companies to set up shop in Baja."
JOBS? Costa Azul = Only 50 jobs generated.
INVESTMENT? Sempra pays NO taxes or franchise fees for Costa Azul = there is NO investment, there is NO money!
From El Vigia 3/16/11
Sempra's internal document contains strategic actions to intervene in the 2007 BAJA elections- THESE ACTIONS ARE IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE MEXICAN CONSTITUTION AND ITS LAWS! Sempra's 2007 Strategies to achieve approval for installation of the illegal, dangerous Costa Azul Terminal in Ensenada: Target, Corrupt, Silence and Remove every person, political-government, social, cultural, media, environmental--IMPEDIMENT. This marketing plan is reprehensible - Sempra's Costa Azul Terminal was so bad, and such an environmental, public health and safety disaster - that Sempra had to infiltrate and corrupt government officials, deceive the public and media with promises of jobs and money, and refuse (as well as bribe) to comply with any environmental, cultural, archaeological, safety regulations and laws in Mexico.
This "trademark" Sempra strategy of corrupting government officials was also used in the United States, especially California, to force approval of expensive, polluting, unneeded, destructive projects like the Sunrise Powerlink in San Diego county- a 500KV 120 mile transmission line that Sempra hopes to connect to the loser Costa Azul LNG electricity source in Mexicali...costing $BILLIONS -all at ratepayers and US taxpayers expense.
Sempra's 2007 Official Marketing Strategy: http://es.scribd.com/doc/51092594/Estrategia-Sempra-2007
Judge Michael Anello is the presiding judge over the highly opposed (ratepayers, land-owners, public parks and recreation groups, environmental organizations, renewable energy advocates, utility watchdog groups), $2-3 BILLION (total cost must be paid for by California ratepayers), Sunrise Powerlink, a 500KV 120 mile transmission line that would connect to Sempra's very expensive, polluting, unneeded, imported Costa Azul LNG source in Baja that will only benefit Sempra SDG&E investors - and would prove to be devastating to California's fragile economy, public health and safety and especially our global environment.
Judge Anello was nominated by ex President Bush in 2008. In December of 2007, Sempra-friendly Ex-VP Cheney pushed the Sunrise Powerlink for Sempra by ordering the BLM to approve the line, without regard to environmental or proper permitting processes.
Judge Anello was "recommended" by CA Senator Diane Feinstein. Feinstein also "recommended" ex-Sempra Lobbyist David Hayes for Deputy Director of the Interior. In 2010, Senator Feinstein attempted to steamroll the US Forest Service to approve permitting the Sunrise Powerlink without any analysis or studies, through our Cleveland National Forest. Soon after, the Forest Supervisor, William Metz agreed to allow Sempra's development- completely ignoring the laws and guidelines of the US Forest Service and despite 1000's of protests from the public at large, fellow Park Rangers, environmental and wildlife groups..among many others. The Cleveland National Forest is pending trial for completely ignoring, omitting as well as false environmental studies and permitting processes.
Just based on these few facts, it is easy for anyone to see clearly the "too close for comfort" connections Judge Anello shares with ex-Pres Bush and ex-VP Cheney - CA Senator Diane Feinstein - and the "denominator" Sempra Energy / SDGE and the reviled Sunrise Powerlink.
Just based on these few facts, it is easy for anyone to see clearly the "too close for comfort" connections Judge Anello shares with ex-Pres Bush and ex-VP Cheney - CA Senator Diane Feinstein - and the "denominator" Sempra Energy / SDGE and the reviled Sunrise Powerlink.
(aka: the Sunrise Pollution-link, the Sunrise Fire-link, the Sunrise Profit-link)
Sempra Energy and SDGE would NEVER win a trial if they had to state the truth AND face the public. They have to isolate, wine and dine their victims to carry out and approve their despicable crimes and schemes ( Sunrise Powerlink - Costa Azul LNG) against the public and the environment. The economic and environmental damages are permanent and devastating for generations to come.
Following the verdict, national news reports tarred Anello for his mishandling of the trial. The embarrassed judge retaliated by secretly complaining to the State Bar that he granted defendants a new trial based on attorney misconduct by Kay. Bar prosecutors exacted a three-year suspension based on the falsified evidence. Kay says he was denied even the appearance of due process, in which the suspension was entered by default without a trial.
"Judge Anello lied," says Kay. "The State Bar has admitted in its response that the defendants were not denied fair trials and that I did not interfere with the administration of justice. This false reporting is a crime."
State Bar rules require, among other things, that a charge of attorney misconduct be accompanied by evidence of disciplinary action ordered on the record during a trial. Anello never issued such an order against Kay. On the contrary, trial records and transcripts show the judge explicitly denied that Kay had committed any misconduct." from Case Filers, 6/2010
From "Rate the Courts Survey": Rating from an attorney who had to endure Judge Michael Anello:
"(An) Arrogant man who likes to hear his own jokes and apparently listen to his own reasoning over and over in his head. Bought a ridiculous line of misrepresentations of the law because it came from a "big" San Diego firm*.
Ignored a compelling argument that everyone in the courtroom (including laymen) understood and agreed with in order to avoid swallowing any of his big Marine pride.
His appointment to the federal bench is a perfect example of the Bush era approach to law - complete disregard of competence (which is coming from a staunch Republican). Hopefully he won't serve long on the federal bench. Worse judge I have seen in California or any other state."...from "Rate the Courts" ...Attorney ratethecourts.com/
To clarify..The mayor of Ensenada recently closed down Sempra's Costa Azul...due to numerous unlawful actions by Sempra, the most important reason was to PROTECT the people of Ensenada, since Sempra did not care about the extremely dangerous, volatile NATURAL GAS time bombs they built without permits, environmental reports or buffer zones. Sempra, bribes in hand, somehow managed to get the Mexican Federal government to "enforce" re-opening the Costa Azul plant; which they did -- by military force. This vote by Mexican Congress rightfully sides with the Ensenada Mayor and his decision to protect the people and the environment over some "foreign" company like Sempra. Never again will Sempra be able to hide behind Mexican government...the vote means that Sempra cannot create a house-divided in Mexico EVER AGAIN! One can only hope and pray that our USA courts and government are this honorable and thoughtful to the people and the environment they are supposed to serve!
Sempra Energy has Dirty Hands and Dirty Energy -- From Interfor, Inc.:
From 2005 Investigation: "The private intelligence agency - Interfor, based in New York, prepared a confidential report, at the request of Marathon Oil, in order to make a "discreet investigation" including information about links and connections of the former governor of Baja California, Eugenio Elorduy with Sempra Energy."
This document was distributed on the Internet by Rudy Michelon, a former employee of Sempra who was fired for exposing Sempra's bribes to Mexican officials for Costa Azul LNG and for using San Diego ratepayer's money to build Sempra CEO Felsinger a decadent $17 MILLION resort for himself in Ensenada. This 2005 investigation, reveals Sempra Energy's ties to people within drug cartels, payoffs to Baja officials in the Cayman Islands and Swiss banks-- to "win" the Costa Azul project, as well as push competition out. Now we see the same mafia-style actions from Sempra/SDG&E as they attempt to force (illegal permitting, bribery, payoffs, fraud etc) the Sunrise Powerlink in San Diego to use Costa Azul LNG via Sempra's Termoelectrica de Mexicali electricity generating plant.
The actual Interfor Inc. document: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17737696/300%20res.pdf
La Jornada article: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jornada.unam.mx%2Fultimas%2F2011%2F02%2F23%2Felorduy-recibio-sobornos-para-instalar-regasificadora-de-sempra-investigacion
In-depth review of Interfor document by "Ignacio" El Vigia: https://www.facebook.com/note.php?saved&&note_id=183890181646112
2/23/2011: Sempra/BP's SIERRA JUAREZ WINDFARM is DEAD! Sempra falsely accuses Baja and the Ensenada Mayor of their failure. Although Sempra implies that the loss of the Sierra Juarez Wind project was "their" consideration - nothing could be further from the TRUTH. Due to Sempra's many unlawful, illegal activities and ongoing investigations in USA (FBI, Securities and Exchange Commission, US Attorney's Office on going investigations), Baja (Costa Azul -fraudulent permitting, no emergency procedures, no buffer zone, lack of environmental impacts and prevention, no infrastructure plans etc) Sempra Energy has lost credibility and reliablity as a "good investment." The loss of the "Massive Hell on Earth" Sierra Juarez Wind Project...is not Mexico's fault... is not Baja's fault... is not Ensenada's fault...and it certainly isn't the Ensenada Mayor's fault...The loss of this horrible project is ONLY Sempra's fault...bribery, fraud, intimidation, threats, ignoring the laws in the US and Baja (why invest in a criminal?)...ultimately leads a company like Sempra Energy to failure and death. http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.elvigia.net%2Fnoticia%2Fconsidera-sempra-cancelar-inversioneshttp://www.10news.com/video/26782998/index.html http://www.gatewaymediapartners.com/ http://www.10news.com/news/26767864/detail.html http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2011/feb/06/feds-looking-into-sempra-attorney-says/
Feb 21, 2011 - "The parliamentary groups of the PRI, PRD, PT and PVEM in the House of Representatives will present at the meeting tomorrow (Tues. Feb 22, 2011) _ a point of agreement -- urging lawmakers: to express their support for the mayor of Ensenada, Enrique Pelayo Torres, who ordered the partial closure of the Costa Azul gas plant operated by Sempra Energy"
The elected President of the PRI -Humberto Moreira expressed his full support of the mayor of Ensenada. Beatriz Paredes Rangel (financially supported by Sempra), the current party President, speaking from the headquarters of the Institute of the Americas, (surprise: directed by Jeffrey Davidow and Sempra) said in a private meeting he had sued Ensenada mayor, Pelayo Torres to start a dialogue with and respect the transnational “companies duly accredited.” This action against the mayor of Ensenada is considered an "idle threat" from Sempra Energy....La Jornada ** As of Feb 21, 2011...Sempra Energy has still done absolutely nothing to address and resolve the many laws and guidelines they have broken regarding Energia Costa Azul terminal and its operation.
http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jornada.unam.mx%2F2011%2F02%2F21%2Findex.php%3Fsection%3Dpolitica%26article%3D014n1polFeb 12, 2011 - THE CLOSURE OF SEMPRA'S ENERGIA COSTA AZUL LNG TERMINAL IN ENSENADA BY BAJA MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT -
Feb 10, 2011 -Sempra Energy (SRE) Chairman and CEO Donald E Felsinger sells 150,000 Sempra Shares @ $53.80 per share. ($ 8+ MILLION)
Feb 16, 2011 Almost a week has passed and Sempra Energy has done absolutely nothing to address and resolve the many laws they have broken regarding Energia Costa Azul terminal and its operation.
Sempra's Costa Azul is only kept open by the force of the Mexican Military. "Sempra and the Government have no arguments with any legal support to continue operation of Costa Azul; The only actions Sempra has taken are "below the belt"(Sempra's trademark), attempts to discredit, point fingers and bad mouth a clearly legal action undertaken by the Ensenada administration."
From La Jornada, Roberto Garduno:
Government action on behalf of the Sempra, “Absolutely Illegal”
"The Closing of Sempra LNG is not over yet," says Ensenada Mayor.
"To date, this council does not have ANY information from Sempra Energy to allow us to establish the scope of any event, that is, the company will never give out an impact study of risk, an issue which is required by law, or manual or drawing showing the trajectories of the pipes through which the liquefied natural gas. . We are blind, and that is a grave irresponsibility of municipal, state and federal. "
****IF THE PEOPLE OF CALIFORNIA KNEW: that the CPUC and Sempra Energy conspired to monopolize our entire energy supply; that "we the people" were delivered into the hands of the corrupt Sempra Energy- whose only foundation is based in greed; that California ratepayers pay 3 times for the same foreign LNG-- with Sempra's triple tiered vertical pricing (passed on at least 3 times with obscene markups -- and all companies are part of Sempra Energy); that California's regular supply of domestic natural gas is much cheaper than Costa Azul; that Sempra's Costa Azul LNG carries a 25% greater Greenhouse Gas burden than California's domestic natural gas; that the entire infrastructure and operation and even extraction of natural gas from foreign countries from Costa Azul was actually paid for by California ratepayers and US taxpayers - not Sempra; that the LNG we use was polluting and endangering the lives of the people of Baja; that the entire infrastructure of Costa Azul was built illegally with no land permits, no environmental impact reports, no emergency procedures, no structural plans, no impacts to the dumping of toxins into the ocean, no buffer zone; that Sempra orchestrated an entire "Media Campaign" based on absolute lies to win and buy the public, that the entire foundation of Costa Azul was built with bribery and infiltrating government with "their own people" ...IF... the people of the USA knew these truths - they would DEMAND the closure of Costa Azul for the individual rights, health and safety of the people of Baja and the USA..and reinstatement to our regular supply of domestic LNG...IMMEDIATELY!
Feb 12, 2011 ENSENADA MAYOR ORDERS CLOSURE OF SEMPRA'S ENERGIA COSTA AZUL LNG : Among the irregularities found is the lack of legal permission for land use, lack of an emergency center, civil engineering drawings and mechanical work, and the absence of risk insurance. They also noted the lack of a thermal buffer zone, the lack of a map of roads, pipelines and other infrastructure in the area of the plant.
Feb 14, 2011 It is true, the Mexican Federal Government HAD to step in and resume operation of Costa Azul or Sempra's and SDG&E's (San Diego Gas and Electric) customers would have been "cut-off"... Sempra and the CPUC (California Public Utilities) "reversed the flow" (from domestic to Sempra's Costa Azul LNG) to all of San Diego's natural gas lines and electricity generating plants, so that Sempra Energy - SDGE - Sempra Trading - Southern Cal Gas (all part of Sempra) would have a monopoly and FORCE USA citizens to use Sempra's more expensive, more polluting, unreliable and illegally built Costa Azul LNG. Also, our (San Diego, CA) Southwest 500KV Powerline is connected to Termoelectrica de Mexicali a gas fired electricity generating plant which receives its natural gas via pipeline from Costa Azul. The Sunrise Powerlink 500KV would have connected to Sempra's Mexicali plant to deliver the illegal LNG to unknowing Los Angeles. The Costa Azul plant couldn't be closed down or WE (San Diego, CA) would have been cut off from our only power source -- Sempra's foreign, polluting, expensive, unneeded and unwanted Costa Azul LNG.
The CPUC demonstrated their complete ignorance and compromised US and Baja national security, international relations, public health and safety, laws and regulations (among many other offences) by allowing Sempra (with a known MAJOR history of corruption- bribes, fraud, lying, price gouging, market manipulation) to basically pull off a mafia style heist at an extreme cost to all of us (both sides of the border) and OUR global environment. Sempra's high times are over...now we need to clean up Sempra Energy and the CPUC's (=California Public Utilities) mess from Ensenada to California to Russia to New Guinea and many other places.
Feb 10, 2011 Additionally, Sempra Energy (SRE) Chairman and CEO Donald E Felsinger sells 150,000 Sempra Shares @ $53.80 per share.
The SEC, FBI and US Attorney's office are concerned enough to investigate the unlawful brute eviction of Mr. Sanchez Ritchie from his own land in Ensenada by Sempra Energy...Why would a San Diego Judge "dismiss" his case so quickly? Of course, reading Sempra's "marketing spin"...Sempra /SDG&E spouted-off that the case was dismissed...they just left out 2 important words.. WITHOUT PREJUDICE" which means that the Mr. Sanchez Ritchie is free to file again (within a time frame)..without prejudice.
But there is reason to be concerned and question whether the people of San Diego will get a fair trial -regarding Sempra's Sunrise Powerlink Project. Especially since San Diego is Sempra's "home base." Sempra's lawfirm (Lathrum-Watkins) is the slickest firm in town, they are known for representing anti-environmental, global companies...like Sempra Energy. Currently
Feb 8, 2011...TICK TOCK SEMPRA--The US Attorney's office has begun to build a case (among MANY other US Federal agencies (SEC, FBI etc)..Charges against Sempra include BRIBERY and using San Diego ratepayer's money to build Sempra's "palace"- Casa Azul (The news called it "a posh, personal playground just for the use of the Sempra CEO and his cronies); illegally evicting Sanchez Ritchie from his own property for the Energia Costa Azul LNG- with force. Other Sempra criminal charges include: falsely stating assets to increase earnings, bribing Mexican officials for permits to build Energia Costa Azul LNG, ignoring Baja's environmental and public safety laws ..no buffer zone around the dangerous LNG terminal and wrongeful termination of honest employee, Mr. Rudy Michelon.
Feb 10, 2011.."Sempra Energy and Energia Costa Azul operates like the Worst Era of Al Capone" U.S. Congressman (Bob Filner) noted that they have initiated a comprehensive campaign to prevent the citizens of California from consuming electricity produced in Mexico by Sempra Energy,-- which hurts the environment on both sides of the border ....from La Jornada, Roberto Garduño and Enrique Méndez http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jornada.unam.mx%2F2011%2F02%2F10%2Findex.php%3Fsection%3Dpolitica%26article%3D016n1pol
Feb 6, 2011...Feds (SEC) investigating Sempra Energy on bribery charges. Based on the credible accusations of bribery by Sempra's former employee. Michelon...The US Federal Securities and Exchange Commission is now conducting an in-depth investigation of Sempra's charge of bribery to Mexican officials to obtain an illegal deed and permits for Energia Costa Azul property in Ensenada. Sempra Energy would be charged with breaking the "Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1998" ...an International Anti-Bribery Act.
Feb 10, 2011...Partial catalogue list of obscene "Casa Azul's" furnishings..paid for by San Diego utility rate payers. http://www.10news.com/news/25776137/detail.html
Feb 1, 2011...From Gobierno Ayuntamiento de Ensenada XX: "The facilities of the company Sempra Energy's Energia Costa Azul LNG "does not comply with the provisions in laws, regulations, policies, plans, programs and other applicable laws governing the municipality of Ensenada....signed, Architect Montfort Diana Sanchez. Urban Administration Secretary of the 20th City Council of Ensenada.
Yet another lawsuit: against 5 Federal US Agencies' unlawful approval of Sunrise Powerlink has been filed 1/15/2011:
There are countless valid reasons NOT to build the Powerlink - yet Sempra/SDGE does not have ONE VALID REASON WHY WE SHOULD BUILD THE SUNRISE POWERLINK (Pollutionlink)! The complete filing is linked in this article:
Another Forest Service lawsuit similar to the above...Forest Service conducting illegal closed door meetings with a developer without public participation - (the developer in our case: Sempra-SDGE) in the following linked case: a copper mining company.
Feb 14, 2011 Second lawsuit filed in one month against SDGE- Sunrise Powerlink and California's State Water Resources Control Board. As the people of San Diego, in horror and disgust, watch Sempra/SDGE pre-maturely build and bulldoze for the Sunrise Powerlink- during heavy rains absolutely destroying the environment with no regard for erosion, water runoff, water contamination laws (among many others) -- the San Diego courts, Sempra Energy and SDGE ignore 1000's of people's pleas to stop construction until these important cases are heard. Included in the suit- The Powerlink will harm downstream water quality and does not comply with the federal Clean Water Act. The lawsuit also alleges that significant harm to wetlands and washes was never adequately addressed in Powerlink environmental documents. The lawsuit was filed in California State Superior Court in Sacramento.
Sempra "re-exports" LNG out of their Energia Costa Azul plant-- there is not enough end users (takers) in the well-stocked Western United States ..1/7/2011 from Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN0719619820110107?feedType=RSS&feedName=companyNews&rpc=43
Sempra reduces output from their Termoelectrica Mexicali plant...12/12/10 from Bloomberg:
Two of the most incompetent, anti-environmental global companies- Sempra Energy and BP -- have teamed to unleash a massive, Hell on Earth wind project in Baja : Sierra Juarez. This linked article, "Unity of Knowledge - Wellington Times" is just one of thousands of scientific reports concluding that Wind Energy causes serious devastating environmental, health & safety and economic impacts that far outweigh the energy it may or may not produce. Sempra Energy and British Petroleum (BP) have a history of failure, cutting corners, fraud and callousness towards our global environment, health , safety, wildlife and economic impacts to innocent citizens. Both Sempra Energy and BP have committed major catastrophic crimes against the people and the environment of the United States- Sempra Energy and BP are two global heartless companies that cannot be trusted or relied upon for public safety, respect for the environment nor good work at a good price!
Green Energy Act : The precautionary principle states that governments or organizations must ensure that its policies do not harm individuals or communities prior to enactment.
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Corrupt CPUC Simon |
SDGE was found GUILTY by expert's sworn testimony, of causing 3 catastrophic San Diego Wildfires in 2007- due to shoddy maintenance and installation of power lines. SDGE was FINED $14 MILLION by the state of California.
In direct opposition to proven, documented court cases and expert testimony -- CPUC Simon claims that the wildfires were San Diego's fault! stating " San Diego was not prepared for the wildfires".. and approves tens of millions in rate hikes to innocent San Diego ratepayers.
***In Sempra / SDG;E's upside-down world of falsities and lies -- They pay tens of millions of dollars in FINES...but they will not admit guilt (payment of fines is proof enough of SDGE / Sempra's GUILT). They call FINES -"settlements". When Sempra / SDGE are found guilty of lying, suppressing information, fraud; they call it "management failure".
Current depositions regarding faults, unlawful actions, and unanswered questions -- Sempra Energy and the Costa Azul LNG facility-- addressed to Senado de Republica LXI, Baja Mexico, on 12/15/2010
Oregon's Landuse Board of Appeals (LUBA) REJECTED -again the Bradwood LNG facility that would have been a major and critical shipping and receiving facility for Sempra's Energia Costa Azul, foreign, polluting, expensive and unneeded LNG-- for the North Western United States. The remaining LNG projects in Oregon face an uphill battle...there is no need for Sempra's Energia Costa Azul foreign LNG.
"Of the 20 plus issues put before LUBA by Bradwood Landing- the two which are the bottom line, the substructure, the losing equations are the two which LUBA has once again addressed. Protection in a vital arena of the Columbia River Estuary of its fish, and trying to fit an “Opera fat lady” into a twiggy dress. With the LNG market in flux now because of the many shale plays in this country and the potential for many more abroad it is difficult for this writer to comprehend how the money movers and speculators could consider investing billions of dollors in an LNG project when grabbing leases or outright buying shale real estate would be the better long term profit maker. Especially in the U.S. I think we now have an Edsel here." ...from Vonda Kay Brocker, long time opponent of the Bradwood Project, Sempra Energy, and Energia Costa Azul LNG

PETITION SEEKS TO DISQUALIFY CPUC MEMBER At issue is the practice of CPUC commissioners meeting privately with utility companies and others with business being decided by the commission. CPUC Simon, met in closed door meetings with SDG;E to discuss SDGE's planned rate hike to San Diego customers The major rate hike proposed by SDGis to charge it's customers for SDGE's faulty and shoddy powerline construction and maintenance that was proven to be the cause of multiple San Diego wildfires and fatalities. The CPUC denied this ridiculous rate hike...but Commissioner Simon (picture-left), after closed door meetings with SDGE and a big HIGH TIME at an expensive Jazz Bar with SDGE -has approved the rate hike. CPUC's Simon's only defense is that bribery, wining, dining, and secret closed door meetings with SDGE/Sempra, after depositions...is "common practice".. "Common practice" does not mean that the incident was in fact legal or ethical. Bribery, wining, dining and secret CPUC-SDGE meetings after deposition is NOT and will never be legal or ethical in the USA.
Sempra CEO's greed and self importance is spiraling out-of-control...Felsinger ("Nero"), uses $17 MILLION of California's utility ratepayer's money to build a lavish "palace"- degrading the beautiful Baja coastline for himself and his cronies. Sempra fires honest executive who questioned wasteful spending. Lawsuit calls Casa Azul “an oceanfront vacation home” being built for Felsinger “at the utility ratepayers’ expense,” ...Sempra CEO living HIGH ON THE HOG...
An Article from Baja sources (translated to English):
Ex-controller says Sempra Paid Bribes in Mexico:
This is a (translated) statement from "20 POINTS WHY SEMPRA ENERGY MUST LEAVE BAJA CALIFORNIA" Interparliamentary Meeting : Legislators and Representatives attending the XLIX Mexico-United States
"The judicial recourse indicated Sempra Energy as responsible for alleged bribes to the former Baja California governor to undertake the expropriation of legitimate lands, of which more than 300 hectares had been transacted for the main project for Marathon Oil, Sempra’s rival company which excelled in processing the permits, Marathon Oil having had to give up because of the clear favoritism and protection of the State Government for SEMPRA, a company which was given every facility and with which it even partnered through his daughter Erika Elorduy Blackaller."
Current depositions regarding faults, unlawful actions with regard to Sempra Energy and the Costa Azul LNG facility-- addressed to Senado de Republica LXI, Baja, Mexico on 12/15/2010
An old article from Corp Watch - Sempra drooling to get Bolivia's Natural Gas, specifically for California. Sempra caught "price gouging" the price of natural gas...from 2003
SDGE falsely labels its many fines and penalties for (lying, fraud, mistakes..among many other crimes), as "Settlements on Management Failure". Only a fool would believe this gibberish..perhaps they are only trying to "fool" themselves.
SDG;E plans major rate hikes for residential and small business during peak hours - SDGE shareholders are the only one who will benefit.
SDGE asks for $1.8 BILLION in rate hikes - because "San Diego does not use enough power"
SDGE plans major rate hike for peak hours - because "San Diego uses too much power"
California Governor Jerry Brown, as CA State Attorney General, fined Sempra Energy $400 MILLION, found GUILTY for causing the California energy crisis...by creating false "black-outs" to force California ratepayers to buy overinflated energy ...that did not exist. A criminal act against the people and the government...this was just one of many fines they must continue to pay for this specific criminal act.
SDGE's guilty verdict - must pay $1+ MILLION in fines for lying about the route of the Sunrise Powerlink...affected citizens receive nothing!
CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission) has fined Sempra and SDGE over $130 MILLION for crimes, (So the CPUC says anyway) -lies and fraud (guilty verdicts) ...just in the past few years...affected ratepayers receive nothing.
SDGE lies to the public claiming there are NO fire dangers from Sunrise Powerlink - The Fire and Fuel section in the official EIR- reports there are many extreme high fire risks!
SDGE gets caught lying to the CPUC (again) about the dangers and opponents of their "shut off plan"
SDGE lobbyists dictate scripted letters to San Diego's elected politicians to approve SDGE's shut off plan...all of those politicians also received generous compensation from SDG;E's (ratepayers)
CPUC officially rejects SDGE's shut-off plan
Experts agree that faulty power line installations by SDGE caused multiple wild fires in San Diego County.
Nine SDGE executives have to take back "campaign donations" made to "on the take" San Diego Supervisor Ron Roberts...one of the ONLY politicians in San Diego who was in favor of the Sunrise Powerlink..the Sunrise Powerlink's route is nowhere near/ not has anything to do with Robert's district.
SDGE official heads El Cajon Chamber of Commerce - El Cajon Chamber of Commerce receives LARGE donations from SDGE - El Cajon Chamber of Commerce supports Sunrise Powerlink - The Powerlink route does not affect or go near any part of El Cajon.
Former "top" California state official /utility exec illegally started lobbying for the Sunrise Powerlink before "cooling off" period...revolving door policy in action despite Federal Laws.
Sempra/SDGE lobbyist caught having fetish sex with Vice Chair of the Utility Committee, Mike Duval..he lost his career...the Sempra lobbyist still "walks the streets" (halls) in Sacramento.
SDG&E must pay $80,000 to CFTC for illegal trading in natural gas futures (buying and selling in one call)...that's ILLEGAL TRADING IN NATURAL GAS FUTURES...even the "dimly lit" leaders at SDGE know that Sempra's foreign natural gas from Costa Azul is a polluting, expensive, giant mistake that no one wants or needs.
Sempra CEO pays himself $20 MILLION salary - will not let shareholders have a say...
As of November 9, 2010...Sempra's earnings are down by 59% due to unit sales. Stock already down by 4%.